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EFZG working paper series

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EFZG Working Paper Series/EFZG Serija članaka u nastajanju is an electronic edition of scientific and expert working papers related to research done by the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb (FEB-Zg). The FEB-Zg working papers are preliminary papers in Economics and/or Business written either by faculty staff or graduate students of FEB-Zg, and their co-authors. Who is this Series intended for? 1. Professors, assistant professors, assistants and junior researchers at the FEB-Zg 2. Master and doctoral students at the FEB-Zg and longlifelearning programmes 3. Domestic and foreign researchers and professionals. Why publish an article? 1. To receive feedback and stimulate discussion (suggestions, comments etc.) before the paper is presented in its final form in an academic journal or at a scientific/technical conference 2. To officially protect copyright of research results 3. To make your research and papers available to other researchers and professionals in the field 4. To make the results of your research available to a larger number of users and thus promote your work worldwide What can be included in the Working Paper Series? 1. Articles that are to be published in scientific journals or delivered at conferences 2. Results of faculty projects in form of an article 3. Articles of master and doctoral students of the FEB-Zg, based on their Doctoral Thesis, Master Thesis, term or entrance papers 4. Papers presented at international conferences with the purpose of improving them and/or informing the public about them 5. Papers presented at conferences in form of an abstract and published for the first time in a form of the WPS 6. Reports in form of an article about commercial projects carried out at the FEB-Zg 7. Articles of visiting professors at the FEB-Zg The FEB-Zg working papers are intended to make the results of the FEB-Zg research available to other researchers and professionals in preliminary form to encourage discussion and suggestions for revision before their final publication. The papers are subject to editorial review. The WPS editors reserve the right to reject the article or return it for further improvement.

  • Peer review: editorial peer review
  • First year of publication: 2006.
  • Frequency (annually): 0
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Economics
  • Date added to HRČAK: 10.03.2015.
  • Rights: Full text is freely available for personal or educational purposes with a condition of copyright protection.


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