Conference paper
Scientific foundations of Croatian Vukovci
Stjepan Babić
In late 19th ccntury, the '\'uko,·ci (foi lowcr, of Vuk Kararl i.ić) attcmptc,:1 to rcdircct Standard
Croatian in confomiily with thc \icws of Se rbian lingui st Vu.: S. KaradJ.ić . ln this lhcy wcre
s1Jcces<.ful to a ccrtain cxtcnt, is in the areas of natura! inclinalion of SLrndard and
those of a siill prescnt \'aciilation ln it,; main body, howevcr, Standard Croa1ian staycd within ils
separate course. ln the vicw r[ many. thc rcason for lhcse attcmpts by thc Crwlian \ 'uko,·ci had
their roots in JYJlilics . Thc a uth,}r dcmonstraics that a major rcason were a lso the <;c icnlific vicws
of the time , with lhe prcvalcncc of Ncogramrnarian Schoc,I and the pri ority il gavc lo the spoken
language and dialcclal spcech over thc writler, standard.
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