Publication date: 30 June 2023
Volume: Vol 58
Issue: Svezak 1
Pages: 101-124
DOI: 10.3336/gm.58.1.08
Original scientific paper
Semi-parallel Hopf real hypersurfaces in the complex quadric
Hyunjin Lee
; Department of Mathematics Education, Chosun University, Gwangju 61452, Republic of Korea
Young Jin Suh
; Department of Mathematics & RIRCM, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea
In this paper, we introduce the new notion of semi-parallel real hypersurface in the complex quadric \(Q^{m}\). Moreover, we give a nonexistence theorem for semi-parallel Hopf real hypersurfaces in the complex quadric \(Q^{m}\) for \(m \geq 3\).
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