Publication date: 20 June 2024
Volume: Vol 59
Issue: Svezak 1
Pages: 125-145
DOI: 10.3336/gm.59.1.06
Original scientific paper
Some results in asymptotic analysis of finite-energy sequences of one-dimensional Cahn–Hilliard functional with non-standard two-well potential
Andrija Raguž
; Department of Economics and Mathematics, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Filipa Vukasovića 1, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
In this paper we extend the consideration of G. Leoni
pertaining to the finite-energy sequences of the one-dimensional
Cahn-Hilliard functional
where \(u\in {\rm H}^{1}(0,1)\) and where \(W\) is a two-well
potential with symmetrically placed wells endowed with a
non-standard integrability condition. We introduce several new
classes of finite-energy sequences, we recover their underlying geometric properties as
\(\varepsilon\longrightarrow 0\), and we prove the related compactness result.
Asymptotic analysis, singular perturbation, Young measures, Cahn-Hilliard functional, compactness
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