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Business Systems Research : International journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy

logo Business Systems Research : International journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy

Business Systems Research (BSR) is a scientific journal focusing on research findings in economics and business systems. Additionally, BSR considers research that combines business and economics with other fields of scientific inquiry, e.g. information systems, mathematics and social sciences. BSR examines a wide variety of business decisions, processes and activities within the actual business setting, as well as within the systems approach framework. In this respect, the BSR journal fosters the exchange of ideas, experience and knowledge between regions with different technological and cultural traditions, in particular in transition countries. Papers submitted for publication should be original theoretical and practical papers. The journal also publishes case studies describing innovative applications and critical reviews of theory. The editorial policy is to give feedback to the authors as fast as possible. After receiving the paper that is prepared to Author instructions, the editorial board will inform the author on the appropriateness of the paper to the journal within two weeks. The first review will be delivered as fast as possible, but not later than two months. Reviews that we provide are thorough and give author clear directions on how to improve the paper. Journal BSR is financially supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. Abstracted/indexed in: Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index; Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science; Elsevier - Scopus. Rejection rate > 52%.

  • Recenzija: vanjske recenzije, podjednako tuzemna i inozemna, samo znanstveni i stručni radovi, dvostruko slijepa, dvostruka
  • Prva godina izlaženja: 2010.
  • Učestalost izlaženja: 2
  • Područja pokrivanja: Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti, Ekonomija, Interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, Obrazovne znanosti (psihologija odgoja i obrazovanja, sociologija obrazovanja, politologija obrazovanja, ekonomika obrazovanja, antropologija obrazovanja, neuroznanost i rano učenje, pedagoške discipline), Projektni menadžment
  • Uključen u Hrčak: 18.01.2011.