Croatica Chemica Acta, Vol. 56 No. 4, 1983.
Izlaganje sa skupa
Precipitation and Interfacial Phenomena in Biological Mineralization. Introductory Remarks
Helga Furedi-Milhofer
; Laboratory for Precipitation Processes, »Ruder Boskovic« Institute, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
A review is presented in which the physico-chemical aspects
of biological mineralization are discussed. Normal mineralization.
of bone and teeth, the formation of dental calculus and caries and
urolithiasis are used as examples. These processes involve the
deposition or dissolution of calcium phosphates (in all mineralized
tissues), calcium oxalates, magnesium phosphates, uric acid and
sodium urates (in urinary calculi) within organic macromolecular
matrices. The environments from (into) which deposition (dissolution)
ensues (blood serum, saliva, urine) are extremely complex,
high ionic strength solutions which contain a large variety of
ions, small and macromolecules. Problems associated with the
mechanisms of the deposition and dissolution of the mineral
phases under normal and pathological conditions have attracted
the attention of many investigators. A number of physico-chemical
problems have been found to be common to all forms of biological
mechanisms of the deposition and dissolution of the mineral
under pathological conditions. Such problems are identified and
methods for their solution discussed in this paper. It is shown
how the results of »in vitro« physico-chemical studies relate to and
support the findings and theories based on investigations of biological
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