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Osječki zbornik , Vol. Vol. 39 No. xx, 2024.

  • Publication date: 18.05.2024.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.05.2024.

Table of contents

Full text

Znanstveni kolokvij Znanost u funkciji kulturne baštine (page 8-11)

Jasminka Najcer Sabljak

Heritage Institutions and Their Contribution to Science (page 20-20)

Anuška Deranja Crnokić
Professional paper

Professional and Scientific Sources of the Museum of Slavonia Publishing (page 82-82)

Marina Vinaj, Ivana Knežević Križić
Review article

Works of Art and Applied Arts as a Motivation for Scienitific Research (page 96-96)

Andreja Šimičić
Review article

Cooperation between Museum (Of Slavonia) and Science (page 100-100)

Denis Detling
Short communication, Note

Music Pedagogy as a Function of Preserving Musical Heritage (page 108-108)

Jasna Šulentić Begić
Original scientific paper

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