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  • Publication date: 03.10.2024.
  • Published on HRČAK: 04.10.2024.

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Full text

Uvod (page 1-4)

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ (page 5-8)

Irena Mikulaco, Veronica Razumovskaya

Dostojevski u suvremenoj ruskoj književnosti (page 9-36)

Jasmina Vojvodić
Original scientific paper

The influence of F. M. Dostoevsky’s poetics on the works by M. N. Albov (page 63-83)

Galina Romanova, Kristina Rizaeva
Preliminary communication

Prilepin’s novel Obitel and Dostoyevsky traditions (page 109-137)

Nataliia Strelnikova
Original scientific paper

Thematic motif of money in the novels by F. M. Dostoevsky (page 139-160)

Galina Romanova
Original scientific paper

The Poetics of the Number “four” in the Novels of F. M. Dostoevsky (page 161-185)

Irena Mikulaco, Galina Romanova
Original scientific paper

Popis suradnika (page 221-222)


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