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  • Publication date: 01.03.1989.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.01.2014.

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Full text

Uvodna Napomena - Carl Schmitt 1888-1985 (page 3-5)

Zvonko Posavec

Current Relevance of Political Theology (page 6-21)

Davor Rodin
Original scientific paper

Država i političko (page 22-29)

The State and the Political (page 22-29)

Zvonko Posavec
Original scientific paper

How Did Carl Schmitt Come to Develop His Notion of the Political? (page 30-47)

Ernst Vollrath
Original scientific paper

Carl Schmitt and National Socialism - The Problem of Theory or Character (page 48-61)

Carl Ballestrem
Original scientific paper

Substantial and Metaphysical Premises of the Political Writer C. Schmitt Until 1934 (page 62-77)

Michael Th. Greven
Original scientific paper

Carl Schmitt and "Push-The-Button Democracy" (page 78-87)

Holger van der Boom
Original scientific paper

Leviathan in Carl Schmitt and Thomas Hobbes (page 88-99)

Burkhard Tuschling
Original scientific paper

The Nomos of Earth - The Notion of Space in Carl Schmitt (page 100-113)

Reinhardt Knodt
Original scientific paper

Carl Schmitt u Nürnbergu (page 114-119)

Carl Schmitt at Nürnberg (page 114-119)

Josepf W. Bendersky
Professional paper

Prilog (page 120-128)

Carl Schmitt

Authoritarian Personality Structure - A Critical Review of Yugoslav Research (page 129-145)

Ivan Šiber
Original scientific paper

Nietzsche? Baeumler or on the Possibility of a Positive Fascist Metaphysics (page 146-162)

Endre Kiss
Original scientific paper

Berdjajev i oktobarska revolucija (page 163-176)

Ratko Nešković
Review article

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