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  • Publication date: 01.03.1988.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.01.2014.

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Full text

Zagrebački politološki razgovori (page 3-3)


Ispit zrelosti naše politologije (page 4-9)

Jovan Mirić
Conference paper

Vivat, crescat, floreat (page 10-12)

Vladimir Stipetić
Conference paper

Values, Ideology, Interests (page 30-34)

Inge Perko-Šeparović
Conference paper

Political Science of Socialist Orders: Some Preconditions (page 35-40)

Ivan Prpić
Conference paper

The Difficulties of an Analysis of Causes and Effects (page 41-44)

Ivan Grdešić
Conference paper

(page 45-48)

Marjana Pajvančić
Conference paper

A Methodological or a Total Reconstrucion of the LCY? (page 49-54)

Ivica Šegota
Conference paper

The Relationship Between What is Legal and What is Illegal (page 55-61)

Ivan Bilić
Conference paper

Changes in the Constitution and Social Development in Yugoslavia (page 62-67)

Zvonimir Lauc
Conference paper

Segmenti rekonstrukcije jugoslavenskog socijalnog sistema (page 68-78)

Stojan T. Tomić
Conference paper

Reasons For an Inovation in Defining The Concept of Aggression (page 98-106)

Ivo Bijelić
Conference paper

O nekim pitanjima "kolektivnog branioca" (page 107-119)

Mile Jovanović
Conference paper

The Idea of an Implicit Social Contract (page 120-129)

Karl Ballestrem
Conference paper

Training Adults for Total National Defence and Social Self-Protection (page 130-137)

Marko Bešker
Conference paper

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