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Examining the changes in the amounts of PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 in the environment in debarking operations

Tolga Öztürk orcid id ; IUC Faculty of Forestry, Forest Engineering Department, Istanbul, Türkiye
Ebru Bilici orcid id ; Giresun University, Dereli Vocational School, Giresun, Türkiye / University of Idaho, Experimental Forest, College of Natural Resources, Moscow, ID, USA
Muhittin İnan orcid id ; IUC Faculty of Forestry, Forest Engineering Department, Istanbul, Türkiye
Batın Mehmet YER orcid id ; IUC Faculty of Forestry, Forest Engineering Department, Istanbul, Türkiye

Puni tekst: engleski pdf 1.481 Kb


str. 555-563

preuzimanja: 92


Preuzmi JATS datoteku


One of the most time-consuming stages in the production of coniferous trees is debarking the bark of the product. During debarking with a chainsaw apparatus, many air pollutants such as bark residues, dust, sawdust, fuel material, etc. are mixed into the environment. This situation reduces the air quality for the workers. This study aims to investigate the impact of the debarking process on worker health and environmental impacts in coastal pine plantations in Sarıyer region. The air pollution parameters PM2.5, PM10, CO2 and HCHO levels during the debarking process were measured using a Temtop M2000 air quality meter. The results showed that when comparing these values to standard air quality metrics, it's clear that the peak values of PM2.5, PM10, and CO2 (247 μg/m3, 411 μg/m3, and 2549 ppm) result in a "Very Unhealthy" environment. The average values for all three (83.91 μg/m3, 121.69 μg/m3, and 614.19 ppm) are classified as "Unhealthy" for PM2.5, and "Moderate" for PM10 and CO2. The study results emphasize that the log debarking process is associated with bark volume, CO2 release and PM2.5 levels. Therefore, it is vital that workers in harvesting use maximum protective equipment, especially respirators. There is also a need to raise awareness and provide training for forest workers on the use of protective equipment. These findings may contribute to the development of effective policies on the health of workers in wood production and environmental quality.

Ključne riječi

Debarking,Air quality,Debarking tool,Timber,Temtop M2000

Hrčak ID:



Datum izdavanja:


Podaci na drugim jezicima: hrvatski

Posjeta: 337 *



Raw wood material production is one of the most time-consuming forestry activities and consists of different stages with different characteristics. These stages include felling, delimbing, crosscutting, extraction, stacking, loading, transportation, and unloading. In Türkiye, all these stages are carried out with the help of human and machine power. Animal power used in splitting has become almost non-existent in wood production activities in recent years. In wood production activities, tree felling, branch and top removal, and lengthening activities are carried out with the help of chainsaws (Gülci et al. 2017), while debarking in coniferous forests is carried out with debarking shovels, debarking hoes, debarking knives, axes, and debarking apparatus attached to chainsaws. In addition, bark stripping operations are carried out with the help of some chemicals and also with water pressure and friction techniques (Gürtan 1969; Eker et al. 2011; Çağlar 2021).

The transition to mechanized forestry work also brings some health risks to the workers working in wood production. These factors, which pose a risk to human health and are mostly encountered by workers working in the forest, can be diversified as noise, waste gases, particulate matter, vibration, etc. (Taş and Akay 2022). Debarking processes vary depending on tree species, age, ecological conditions, and debarking techniques (Eker et al. 2011). In the debarking operations carried out with the apparatus attached to the chainsaw, intense dust, organic matter, and gas emerge. This intensity has been observed especially in products with high bark thickness. Operators working in debarking operations are exposed to this dense mixture when they do not use protective equipment. Exposure to wood dust in long-term work can cause asthma, lung cancer, skin and eye irritations, runny nose (Gülci et al. 2018), upper respiratory and lower respiratory tract disorders (Bishop 2021), poisoning, and allergies in the respiratory system (Arslan et al. 2010).

Particulate matter (PM), a common air pollutant, is a mixture of solid and liquid organic and inorganic matter suspended in the air. Particles vary in origin, chemical composition, and size. Size is defined as aerodynamic diameter and ranges from 0.001 to 100 µm. Particles are generally characterized as coarse (2.5-10 µm), fine (0.1-2.5 µm), and ultrafine (≤0.1 µm) (Gao et al., 2015). Coarse particles are referred to as PM10, fine particles as PM2.5, and ultrafine particles as PM1. Particles referred to as PM10 can reach the upper respiratory tract in humans, while particles referred to as PM2.5 can affect human health by reaching the lower respiratory tract (Arslan et al. 2010). There are limit values arranged in tables for air quality, which is very important for human health. When these limit values are exceeded, permanent problems for human health may arise. These limit values are shown in Table 1 (Flores et al., 2020).

Table 1. Air quality limit values

Tablica 1. Granične vrijednosti kvalitete zraka

PM2.5 PM10 CO2




μg/m3 μg/m3 ppm mg/m3 mg/m3
35.5-55.4155-2541001-1500Unhealthy for sensitive groups
150.5-250.4355-4242501-5000Very unhealthy

PM10 (≤10 µm) from dust and construction cause respiratory irritation; PM2.5 (≤2.5 µm) from vehicle exhaust and wildfires penetrate deep into the lungs; PM1 (≤1 µm) from similar sources as PM2.5, infiltrate cells and pose severe health risks (California Air Resources Board, 2024). Different substances such as gas, vapor, smoke, and fog pollute the air of the working environment. When these substances reach high concentrations, they become harmful to human health (Taş and Akay 2022). Carbon dioxide (CO2), whose rate in the air is quite low compared to other gases, is currently around 400 ppm in the atmosphere. However, CO2 levels in the atmosphere tend to increase rapidly due to the greenhouse effect (Müezzinoglu, 2000). It is a non-flammable, colorless, and odorless substance which is a result of from natural inhalation and combustion. CO2 gas, which can be released into the air as a result of the combustion reaction of all kinds of organic matter, is present in the content of waste gases released into the air by domestic heating, exhaust gases, industrial plants, and power plants. Although CO2 is non-toxic, it reduces the amount of available oxygen in the environment and causes suffocation due to lack of oxygen. When the CO2 level in the environment exceeds 3500 ppm, negative health effects are observed on the nervous system, along with breathing difficulties (Menteşe and Çotuker 2021).

In this study, the amounts of PM2.5, PM10, and CO2 in the debarking process of coniferous trees in wood production studies were measured. As a result of these measurements, the change in the amount of PM2.5, PM10, and CO2 in the environment during debarking operations was revealed. The studies and recommendations to be carried out according to air quality changes in the working environment during debarking operations were presented.



Study area - Područje istraživanja

This study was carried out in compartment number 9 located within the boundaries of Sarıyer Forest Management Directorate of Istanbul Regional Directorate of Forestry in Türkiye. Sarıyer Forest Management Directorate covers a total area of 10,543.8 ha, including 5,214.6 ha of forested area, 374.5 ha of unproductive area, 3,962.9 ha of open area, and 991.8 ha of private forests. Forest volume amounts to 217,291 m³, and the total wealth of the coppice forest volume is 49,055 m³. The total increment of the plan unit's forest is 10,646 m³, and the total increment of the coppice forest is 3,887 m³. The region is located between 41°08'13"-41°15'54" north latitude and 28°56'01"-29°06'59" east longitude (GDF 2023) (Figure 1). The size of compartment number 9, where the study was conducted, is 34.1 ha. The area cut within the compartment is a maritime pine (Pinus maritima Lam.) plantation.


Figure 1. Study area

Slika 1. Područje istraživanja

The study was conducted between June 2023 and July 2023. Two workers were involved in the debarking of the logs. The average slope of the land within the compartment varied between 2-12%. There was a dense ground cover in the cutting compartment. Therefore, the logs were removed from the compartment to the roadside landing with the help of a tractor, and the debarking process was carried out on the roadside. Three (3) m logs and 1.25 m industrial timber were the products produced in the compartment. During the study, the humidity of the air was 65% and the wind speed varied between 0 and 5 km/h. All cut trees were healthy and there were no dead standing trees or rotten trees among the cut trees. All logs on which debarking operations were carried out were produced from healthy trees.

Technical specifications of Husqvarna 365 chainsaw and Baseh debarking tool

Tehničke karakteristike motorne pile Husqvarna 365 i alata za otkoravanje Baseh

In the study, Baseh apparatus was used as for debarking (Figure 2) by being mounted on Husqvarna 365 chainsaw. The technical specifications of the chainsaw and Baseh debarking tool are shown in Tables 2 and 3 (URL-1; URL-2).

Table 2. Technical specifications of the Husqvarna 365 chainsaw

Tablica 2. Tehničke karakteristike motorne pile Husqvarna 365

Technical specifications

Tehničke karakteristike



Technical specifications

Tehničke karakteristike



Cylinder volume (cm3)

Power output (kW)

Tank capacity (l)

Oil depot (liter)

Chain speed (m/h)

Max. Rotation speed (rpm)






12 500

Bar length (min) (cm)

Bar length (max) (cm)

Weight (kg)

Sound pressure level (dB)

Sound power level (dB)

Equivalent vibration level (m/s2)








Figure 2. Debarking apparatus

Slika 1. Alat za otkoravanje

Table 3. Technical specifications of the Baseh debarking apparatus

Tablica 3. Tehničke karakteristike alata za otkoravanje Baseh

Technical specifications

Tehničke karakteristike



Technical specifications

Tehničke karakteristike



Weight (kg)


Debarking width (mm)


Belt protection Knife width (mm)120
     Short model0.585Knife number4
     Long model0.825Maximum cycle (rpm)13,000
Engine power (kW)1.6Link rod featureSteel

Technical specifications of Temtop M2000 air quality meter

Tehničke specifikacije mjerača kvalitete zraka Temtop M2000

Temtop M2000 air quality meter (Figure 3) is a PM2.5, PM10, formaldehyde, CO2, humidity, and temperature meter. General technical specifications of the device are shown in Table 4.


Figure 3. Temtop M2000 air quality meter

Slika 3. Mjerač kvalitete zraka Temtop M2000

Table 4. Technical specifications of Temtop M2000 air quality meter

Tablica 4. Tehničke karakteristike mjerača kvalitete zraka Temtop M2000

Technical specifications

Tehničke karakteristike

Measuring ranges

Mjerni rasponi

M2000 model

TFT Color LCD screen

Battery voltage: 3.7 VDC

Dimension: 73.5 x 220 x 37.5 mm

Data transfer: USB

Temparature range: 0 – 50 ºC

Humidity range: %0-90

Atmospheric pressure: 1 atm

Output voltage: 5 VDC

Output current: 1 A


For PM2.5;

  • Measuring range: 0 – 999 μg/m3

  • Resolution: 0.1 μg/m3

For PM10;

  • Measuring range: 0 – 999 μg/m3

  • Resolution: 0.1 μg/m3

For CO2;

  • Measuring range: 0 – 5000 PPM

  • Resolution: 1 PPM

For Formaldehyde (HCHO);

  • Measuring range: 0 – 5 mg / m3

  • Resolution: 0.001 mg / m3

Methods – Metode

Data collection - Prikupljanje podataka

The study was carried out in the Sarıyer Forestry Management Directorate in the section numbered 9. Fifty-eight (58) coast pine logs (3 m length) were cut with a chainsaw and a study was carried out to evaluate the parameters affecting the debarking time. The diameter at mid length (d0.5) of each timber was measured in centimeters (cm) and the length (l) was measured in meters (m). Huber's formula (2.1) (Carus 2002) was used to calculate the log volume using the mid diameter and log length. The debarking surface area (m2) S (2.2) and bark thickness (mm) were used to calculate bark volume (2.3) (Eker and Öztürk 2022).

V=π4*(d20.5)*l (2.1)

S=c*l (2.2)

Bv=S*Bt (2.3)

In the above equations, V is log volume (m3), d0.5 (cm) is diameter at mid length of the log, c is circumference of the bark (m), S is debarking surface area of the log (m2), Bt is bark thickness (m), Bv is bark volume of the log (m3) and l is log length (m).

Field work method - Metoda rada na terenu

The air quality device was placed on the operator during debarking operations. The device was placed in a pocket on the reflective vest and positioned so as not to interfere with the operator's work (Figure 4). The device, which was continuously switched on during the debarking process, continuously measured the air quality at one-minute intervals. The data collected on Temtop M2000 was then transferred to the computer via a transfer cable and evaluated. During refueling and operator rest time, the device was left on the operator and measurements were continued.


Figure 4. Debarking work

Slika 4. Rad na otkoravanju

The values found during this study were compared with the air quality limit values in Table 1 in terms of their impact on human health.

Data analysis - Analiza podataka

Based on the characteristics of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied. According to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results, Debarking time (sec) (Dtsec), Work time (sec) (Wtsec), Timber volume (V), Bark volume (m3) (Bv) and the features obtained with Temtop M2000 air quality meter (PM2.5: Particulate matter of 2.5 microns and smaller, PM10: Particulate matter of 10 microns and smaller, CO2: Carbon dioxide, HCHO: Formaldehyde) were not normally distributed (p<0.05). The correlation between the properties was determined by considering Spearman’s correlation coefficient used for non-normally distributed data. Multiple regression models were developed using the backward selection method with the model shown in equation 2.4, where Dtsec and Wtsec were created as dependent variables and other attributes as independent variables. In addition, the assumptions of the regression analysis were examined and the autocorrelation problem of the regression model was determined by the Durbin-Watson (DW) value. DW value varies between 0-4, and if it is close to 2, it indicates that there is no autocorrelation problem (Kalaycı 2006).

Y=b0+b1X1+b2X2++bnXn+ε (2.4)

Where bi represent the model coefficients, Y is Dtsec or Wtsec, Xi (i = 1 to n) are texture values (Bv (m3), PM2.5, PM10, CO2, HCHO and ε is the error term.

Data were separated to develop a model and to test the validity of the developed model. The model was developed with 75% of the data (43 of them). The other group comprising 25% of the data (15 of them) was used to test the validation of fitted models. The validity of multiple regression models where all parameter values were significant (p<0.05) was tested by the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test was applied instead of student's t test because Dtsec and Wtsec were not normally distributed. Correlation analysis was obtained using the “metan” package in the R software program (R Core Team Citation 2019). IBM SPSS Statistics 29 software was used for the time prediction model and other statistical analyses. All tests were conducted at the significance level of p<0.05. The prediction success of the regression models was determined using Equation 2.5 Adjusted Coefficient of Determination (R2adj), Equation 2.6 Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Equation 2.7 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), respectively.

Adjusted Coefficient of Determination (R2adj);

Radj2=1i=1n(YiŶi)2(n1)i=1n(YiY¯i)2(np) (2.5)

Mean Absolute Error (MAE);

MAE=i=1n|YiŶi|n (2.6)

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE);

RMSE=i=1n(YiŶi)2n (2.7)

In these equations, ;Yi,Ŷi, Y¯i are the measured, estimated and average values for the time study, n is the number of observations, and p is the number of parameters of the equation.



Descriptive statistical information of the measurements values and calculations made with the Temtop M2000 air quality device are given in Table 5.

Table 5. Descriptive statistics

Tablica 5. Opisna statistika









Std. Deviation

Stan. devijacija

c (m)0.661.450.890.178
S (m2) 1.984.342.680.535
PM2.5 (μg/m3) 2624783.9157.700
PM10 (μg/m3) 32411121.6995.198
CO2 (ppm) 3092549914.190463.258
HCHO (mg/m3) 0.0010.0390.00890.011
Dtsec (sn) 4527397.4540.138
Wtsec (sn) 45337108.8147.585

d0.5: Mid diameter (cm), V: Timber volume (m3), c: Circumference (m), S: Debarking surface area (m2), Bv: Bark volume (m3), PM2.5: Particulate matter of 2.5 microns and smaller, PM10: Particulate matter of 10 microns and smaller, CO2: Carbon dioxide, HCHO: Formaldehyde, Dtsec: Debarking time (sec), Wtsec: Work time (sec)

When the international air quality limit values given in Table 4 are compared with the values found as a result of the measurements, it was found that the maximum values of PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 (247 μg/m3, 411 μg/m3 and 2549 ppm, respectively) constitute a “Very Unhealthy” environment, while the average values for all three values (83.91 μg/m3, 121.69 μg/m3 and 614.19 ppm, respectively) are “Unhealthy” for PM2.5 and “Moderate” for PM10 and CO2. The HCHO value was determined to be safe throughout all measurements and it does not pose a risk to human health. The “Very Unhealthy” PM2.5 value indicates that forest workers working in debarking operations are in a risky working environment in terms of respiratory diseases. It has been reported in various studies that such high values pose a great risk for problems in the lower respiratory tract (Gülci et al. 2018; Baldauf et al. 2006). In cases where the PM2.5 value is high, this value must be reduced (Martins and Graca 2018).

In this study, the debarking time of a timber was measured as Dtsec between 45 and 273 seconds (sec) with a mean of 97.45 sec, and Wtsec between 45 and 337 sec with a mean of 108.81 sec. When Dtsec and Wtsec values and tree characteristics were examined for their conformity to normal distribution by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, all values did not show normal distribution at 0.05 significance level, Therefore, Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation coefficient. As a result of the correlation analysis, Dtsec and Wtsec values showed moderate positive correlations with Bv (m3) at 0.05 significance level, while PM2.5, PM10, CO2 and HCHO did not show significant relationships. The significant relationships with Dtsec and Wtsec values respectively displayed were r = 0.604 and r = 0.575. The results are given in Figure 5.


Figure 5. Spearman's correlation analysis. Spearman's multiple correlation plot with R representing correlation coefficient and p the statistical significance (ns > 0.05;*p < 0.05;**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001)

Slika 5. Spearmanova korelacijska analiza. Spearmanov dijagram višestruke korelacije gdje R predstavlja koeficijent korelacije, a p statističku značajnost (ns > 0,05;*p < 0,05;**p < 0,01;***p < 0,001)

In this study, with the help of backward regression, the parameters of the regression models in which Dtsec and Wtsec were used as dependent and other traits as independent variables were calculated and their prediction success was determined. The parameter equations and Durbin-Watson (DW) test statistic, R2adj, MAE and RMSE values and other statistical measures for these equations are presented in Table 6. When Table 6 is analyzed, the goodness of fit of the models is analyzed by F test and the significance of the model coefficients is analyzed by t test, and all parameters of the models are found to be significant at 0.05 significance level. DW test statistic values for Dtsec and Wtsec models are 1.733 and 1.768, R2adj values are 0.617 and 0.715, MAE values are 16.909 and 13.929, and RMSE values are 20.599 and 19.664, respectively.

Table 6. Regression analysis results

Tablica 6. Rezultati regresijske analize


R 2 adj



b2 b3

Debarking time model

Durbin-Watson = 1.733






Work time model

Durbin-Watson = 1.768






ns: p>0.05, *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p< 0.001

In order to check the validity of the models that were found to be successful according to the statistical criteria, with the help of the control data created by separating 15% of the data, the Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired samples (Wilcoxon signed rank test) compared the data obtained from the equations with the actual values and no statistical difference was found at the 0.05 level of significance (Table 7). Thus, it was decided that the established models were usable at 0.05 significance level.

Table 7. Wilcoxon signed rank test results for equations

Tablica 7. Rezulati Wilcoxonova testa ranka za jednadžbe

No Z p
Debarking time model
Work time model

Z: Wilcoxon signed rank test, ns: p>0.05, *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p< 0.001

As a result of the regression analysis (Table 6), the usable forms of the statistically successful D-1 and D-2 models are given below:

Dtsec=48.32+1196.67Bv0.261PM2.5+0.030CO2 (D-1)

Wtsec=56.81+29080.29Bv0.356PM2.5+0.032CO2 (D-2)

According to these findings, the debarking time of a timber is affected by the bark volume of the debarking log, CO2 and PM2.5 released during debarking. The temporal variations of PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 values and their comparison with international threshold values are given in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8.


Figure 6. Temporal variation of PM2.5 concentration

Slika 6. Vremenska varijacija koncentracije PM2.5


Figure 7. Temporal variation of PM10 concentration

Slika 7. Vremenska varijacija koncentracije PM10


Figure 8. Temporal variation of CO2 concentration

Slika 8. Vremenska varijacija koncentracije CO2

There were two breaks during this study. The first break started at 15.15 and ended at 15.35 (20 minutes), and the second break started at 16.19 and ended at 16.52 (33 minutes). Measurements were taken continuously at one-minute intervals, including rest intervals. Changes were observed in the air quality measurements during the debarking operations (58 units). When the graphs in Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7 are examined, it can be seen that PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 values decreased and remained approximately stable during the rest periods shown in red. Especially in the CO2 graph (Figure 7), where the red line remains approximately straight, the CO2 rate in the environment is within the health limits. In the PM2.5 and PM10 graphs, minor peaks were observed at rest times. At the same time, looking at the last parts of the PM2.5 and PM10 graphs, it can be seen that the particle values are gradually increasing. This means that the particulate matter suspended in the air increases. In a similar study conducted in agricultural fields, Jia et al. (2023) reported that as the hours of operation of agricultural machinery in wheat fields increased, the particulate matter in the field also increased.



During these debarking activities, measurements were made with Temtop M2000 air quality meter. PM2.5, PM10, CO2 and HCHO values were measured throughout the debarking process and various values were found. Considering these values, it was determined that the average value of PM2.5 is an “Unhealthy” environment when compared to international threshold values. The average values of PM10 and CO2 were found to be “Moderate” and the average value of HCHO was found to be “Safe”. It was observed that the maximum values of PM2.5, PM10 and CO2 created a “Very Unhealthy” environment. The high PM2.5 value indicates that particles of 1.0-2.5 microns in size are dense in the environment and that these particles may cause various disorders, especially in the lower respiratory tract of working people. It is known that if the PM10 value increases from “Moderate” to “Unhealthy”, it may cause upper respiratory tract diseases. For this reason, work planning by considering these values is required for intensive debarking works. In the light of this study, the recommendations are listed below:

  • Masks, which are best suited to trap PM2.5 and PM10 particles, must be worn by workers engaged in debarking operations in Türkiye. In addition, these workers should wear protective equipment such as glasses, hard hats, gloves, and protective pants.

  • During intensive debarking operations, it is necessary to increase the frequency of rest or rest time for workers. This will allow the particles in the air to disperse and settle to the ground during non-working rest hours.

  • It is important for the health of the workers involved in debarking work to undergo periodic medical check-ups and to have the necessary examinations, especially in terms of upper and lower respiratory diseases.



We would like to thank forest engineers Ergün Tuncer, Müslim May and Osman Kulaksız for their help during the preparation of this study.



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