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  • Publication date: 01.07.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 23.07.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

(page 161-162)


Poziv na svetost (page 163-168)

Mladen Parlov

Meaning of the term „gender” and its application in Croatian legal order (page 195-195)

Danijela Rupčić
Original scientific paper

Fundamental ethical values and principles of adoption (page 220-220)

Šimun Bilokapić
Original scientific paper

Smoking as a social problem in the context of Croatian society: attitudes and opinions of adults and high school students (page 241-242)

Neven Duvnjak, Jerolim Lenkić Lenkić
Original scientific paper

Gestalt pedagogy as „added value” of religious education (page 265-265)

Iva Nežič Glavica
Review article

Analysis (of the reforms) of Finnish education system in context of the curricular reform in Croatia (page 294-294)

Marjan Marino Ninčević, Ivan Zvonimir Bošković
Review article

Kako biti i opstati čovjekom? (page 295-318)

Peter Kovačič Peršin

Marija u Božjoj namisli i u životu kršćana (page 319-322)

Dinko Aračić
Case report

Kateheza pastorala župne zajednice (page 323-325)

Nikola Vranješ
Case report

Opera Dei revelare honorificum est (page 328-332)

Pavao Knezović
Case report

Prvi skup hrvatske ranokršćanske arheologije (HRRANA) (page 333-337)

Domagoj Tončinić
Case report

Što i moja krv (page 338-338)

Vlade Lozić

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