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Acta Botanica Croatica , Vol. 68 No. 1., 2009.

  • Publication date: 30.04.2009.
  • Published on HRČAK: 04.05.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

Unusual thylakoid structures appearing during degradation of the photosynthetic apparatus in chloroplasts (page 1-9)

Mercedes Wricher, Tatjana Prebeg, Magnus Volker, Nikola Ljubešić
Original scientific paper

Phytoplankton composition of the Ebro River estuary, Spain (page 11-27)

Maria del Carmen Perez, Nora I. Maidana, Augusto Comas
Original scientific paper

Phytoplankton composition and biomass of the northern Adriatic lagoon of Stella Maris, Croatia (page 29-44)

Neda Fanuko, Marko Valčić
Original scientific paper

Seasonal variations of phytoplankton biomass and environmental conditions in the inner Boka Kotorska Bay (eastern Adriatic Sea) (page 45-55)

Slađana Krivokapić, Živko Stanković, Nenad Vuksanović
Original scientific paper

Plate method for counting proteolytic sulphide-producing bacteria (page 57-66)

Božidar Stilinović, Jasna Hrenović
Original scientific paper

Cytology and palynology of the Clematis L. species (Ranunculaceae) in Iran (page 67-77)

Masoud Sheidai, Meysam Habibi, Dina Azizian, Mahboobeh Khatamsaz
Original scientific paper

Diversity in common bean landraces from south Brazil (page 79-92)

Tamara Pereira, Cileide M. M. Coelho, Amauri Bogo, Altamir F. Guidolin, David J. Miquelluti
Original scientific paper

Indirect and direct somatic embryogenesis from aerial stem explants of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) (page 93-103)

Adinkudik K. Lincy, Azhimala B. Remashree, Bhaskaran Sasikumar
Original scientific paper

Nutlet morphology and its taxonomic utility in Salvia (Lamiaceae: Mentheae) from Turkey (page 105-115)

Mustafa Özkan, Kâmuran Aktaş, Canan Özdemir, Greg Guerin
Original scientific paper

Nutlet size, shape and surface ornamentation in 14 Onosma species (Boraginaceae) (page 117-126)

Riza Binzet, Öznur E. Akçin
Original scientific paper

The nutritive value and role of Panicum turgidum Forssk. in the arid ecosystems of the Egyptian desert (page 127-146)

Selim Z. Heneidy, Marwa W. Halmy
Original scientific paper

A new nothospecies in the genus Potentilla L. (Rosaceae) (page 147-151)

Jeremi Kołodziejek
Short communication, Note

Potentilla x aurulenta Gremli (Rosaceae), a nothospecies new to Poland (page 153-158)

Jeremi Kolodziejek
Short communication, Note

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