Skoči na glavni sadržaj
  • Datum izdavanja: 15.04.2009.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 31.05.2010.


Puni tekst

Wine, tourism and experience in the Canary Islands' context (str. 7-22)

Abel Duarte Alonso
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The perennial Western tourism representations of India that refuse to die (str. 23-35)

Ranjan Bandyopadhyay
Prethodno priopćenje

Heritage rent – underlying theory and Croatian practice (str. 37-53)

Ivo Kunst
Pregledni rad

Environmental orientation and ecotourism awareness among pilgrims, adventure tourists, and leisure tourists (str. 55-68)

Satish Bagri, Bharti Gupta, Babu George
Prethodno priopćenje

The construction of literary tourism site (str. 69-83)

Hongyan Jia

Bibliography : selected papers (str. 87-99)

Tomislav Hitrec, Ksenija Tokić

Annual indexes : Vol. 56 (2008) (str. 100-107)

Tomislav Hitrec, Ksenija Tokić

Posjeta: 20.963 *