The experiences of learning self-regulation in distance education/Iskustva samoregulacije učenja u nastavi na daljinu
Slavica Šimić Šašić
; Department of Teacher and Preschool-Teacher Education, University of Zadar
Abstract The aim of the research was to examine the experiences of learning self-regulation and the attitude towards distance learning of the students in the upper grades of elementary schools and in high schools. The research included 1463 students from eight counties throughout the Republic of Croatia. The data were collected by using the Sociodemographic Data Questionnaire, the Scale of Attitudes about Distance Education and the Scale of Components of Self-Regulated Learning. The results showed the students’ moderately negative attitude towards distance learning, the moderately to highly explicit components of proactive self-regulation, the slightly lower components of defensive self-regulation, and very good school success. Differences in the attitude towards distance learning, the components of learning self-regulation and school success were determined with regard to the type of school, the student gender and place of residence. The learning of elementary school students in distance education is more self-regulated than the one in traditional classes. It was also determined that the components of learning self-regulation and the time spent in classes were the significant predictors of school success in distance learning.Key words: distance learning; self-regulation of learning; attitudes towards distance learning---Sažetak Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati iskustva samoregulacije učenja i stav prema nastavi na daljinu učenika viših razreda osnovne i učenika srednje škole. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1463 učenika iz osam županija s područja Republike Hrvatske. PodaTci su prikupljeni pomoću: Upitnika sociodemografskih podataka, Skale stavova o nastavi na daljinu i Skale komponenti samoreguliranoga učenja. Rezultati su pokazali da učenici imaju umjereno negativan stav prema nastavi na daljinu, umjereno do visoko izražene komponente proaktivne samoregulacije, nešto niže komponente obrambene samoregulacije i vrlo dobar uspjeh. Utvrđene su razlike u stavu prema nastavi na daljinu, komponentama samoregulacije učenja i školskom uspjehu s obzirom na vrstu škole, spol i mjesto življenja učenika. Učenje učenika osnovne škole u nastavi na daljinu više je samoregulirano nego učenje učenika u klasičnoj nastavi. Također je utvrđeno da su komponente samoregulacije učenja i vrijeme provedeno u nastavi značajni prediktori školskoga uspjeha u nastavi na daljinu. Ključne riječi: nastava na daljinu; samoregulacija učenja; stavovi prema nastavi na daljinu
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