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Market-Tržište , Vol. 27 No. 2, 2015.

  • Publication date: 29.12.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.01.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodnik (page 151-152)

Editorial Preface (page 151-152)

Đurđana Ozretić Došen

Generation Y Online Buying Patterns (page 0-0)

Katija Vojvodić, Matea Matić
Preliminary communication

Repeat Purchase Intention of Starbucks Consumers in Indonesia: A Green Brand Approach (page 189-202)

Naili Farida, Elia Ardyan
Preliminary communication

Adopting and Implementing CSR Policies in Travel Agency Business: The Case of Romania (page 203-220)

Ovidiu-Ioan Moisescu
Preliminary communication

The Influence of User-Generated Content on Tourists’ Choices (page 221-236)

Giacomo Del Chiappa, Carlota Lorenzo-Romero, María-del-Carmen Alarcón-del-Amo
Preliminary communication

Influence of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment-Evidence from Care Institutions for the Elderly (page 237-250)

Helena Alves, Arminda do Paço, Carla Roberto
Preliminary communication

Analyzing Music Services Positioning Through Qualitative Research (page 251-263)

Manuel Cuadrado, María José Miquel, Juan D. Montoro
Preliminary communication

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