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  • Publication date: 05.06.1991.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.01.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Health for all through research (page 1-10)

H. Vuori

Circadian variations in alertness, readiness for work and work efficiency (page 15-15)

S. Vidaček, M. Šarić
Original scientific paper

Efekti programa preventivnih zdravstvenih mera u fabrici tekstila (page 27-36)

G. Belojević, R. Kocijančić, T. Stanković
Original scientific paper

Granulocyte reserve in chronic experimental benzene poisoning in rats (page 37-42)

R. Turk, R. Fuchs, B. Momčilović
Original scientific paper

Uticaj doze na prolaz fluorida kroz placentu u kunića (page 46-46)

M. Nedeljković, V. Matović
Short communication, Note

Estimation of the work ability of workers exposed to inorganic lead (page 54-54)

L. Kurajica, M. Orlov
Short communication, Note

Mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of vinyl chloride monomer (page 72-72)

A. Fučić, Đ. Horvat, B. Dimitrović
Review article

(page 73-77)


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