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  • Publication date: 21.12.2016.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.12.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Sadržaj (page 1-2)

(page 1-2)


Croatian Language Standardization and the Production of Nationalized Political Subjects through Language? Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities (page 3-45)

Andrew Hodges, Amelia Abercrombie, Marina Balažev, James Costa, Mate Kapović, Jelena Marković, Tanja Petrović, Ivana Spasić
Original scientific paper

Ethnographies of Urban Public Spaces (page 93-93)

Valentina Gulin Zrnić, Tihana Rubić

Divided Modernities. Citizenship, Agency and Public Spaces in a Central Serbian Town (page 111-125)

Tanja Petrović
Original scientific paper

Adding Value to Urban Spaces. Two Examples from Lisbon (page 126-138)

Maria Assunção Gato
Original scientific paper

Women’s Narratives of Racialized and Gendered Space in Austin, Texas (page 139-156)

Martha Norkunas
Preliminary communication

Reviving Public Spaces through Cycling and Gardening. Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016 (page 157-175)

Saša Poljak Istenič
Original scientific paper

Narrative Maps of Danger as a Means of Subjective Protection (page 176-186)

Reet Hiiemäe
Original scientific paper

"Do You Have Any Empties?" Bottle Collectors’ Interactions in Public Spaces in Zagreb (page 187-197)

Dino Vukušić, Stephanie Stelko
Preliminary communication

Walking the Walled City. Gender and the Dérive as Urban Ethnography (page 198-212)

Original scientific paper

Razgovor s Olgom Supek (page 213-225)

Tihana Rubić
Professional paper

Prikazi / Book Reviews (page 228-248)

Melanija Belaj, Nada Kujundžić, Duga Mavrinac, Maja Pasarić, Olga Orlić, Dražen Šimleša, Sandra Urem, Ana-Marija Vukušić
Case report

In memoriam Branka Šprem Lovrić (1952. – 2016.) (page 249-249)

Tatjana Brlek
In memoriam, Obituary

Upute autorima / Notes for Authors (page 250-250)


Autori / Contributors (page 251-252)

Autori / Contributors (page 251-252)


Impresum (page 0-0)

(page 0-0)


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