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  • Publication date: 30.06.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.06.2017.

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Comparison of chemical, rheological and sensory properties of kefir produced by kefir grains and commercial kefir starter (page 169-176)

Irena Barukčić, Leo Gracin, Anet Režek Jambrak, Rajka Božanić
Original scientific paper

Production of hard goat cheese and goat whey from organic goat’s milk (page 177-187)

Anka Popović-Vranješ, Ivan Pihler, Snežana Paskaš, Saša Krstović, Željka Jurakić, Katarina Strugar
Original scientific paper

Water mobility and thermal properties of smoked soft cheese (page 188-196)

Hanna Maria Baranowska, Jolanta Tomaszewska-Gras, Dorota Cais-Sokolińska, Paulina Bierzuńska, Łukasz K. Kaczyński
Original scientific paper

Technology and quality of Skorup - traditional Montenegrin dairy product (page 197-207)

Slavko Mirecki, Danilo Tomić, Snežana Vučinić, Milan Marković, Božidarka Marković
Original scientific paper

Some properties of kefir enriched with apple and lemon fiber (page 208-216)

Busra Goncu, Asli Celikel, Mutlu B. Guler-Akin, M. Serdar Akin
Original scientific paper

The soybean molasses in diets for dairy cows (page 217-225)

Aleksandar Miletić, Bojan Stojanović, Goran Grubić, Petar Stojić, Mihailo Radivojević, Mirjana Joksimović - Todorović, Mladen Popovac, Saša Obradović
Original scientific paper

Impact of milking frequency on yield, chemical composition and quality of milk in high producing dairy herd (page 226-230)

Paweł Bortacki, Ryszard Kujawiak, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska, Seval Sevgi Kirdar, Jerzy Wójcik, Wilhelm Grzesiak
Original scientific paper

Determination of benzimidazole residues and their metabolites in raw milk using high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (page 231-238)

Marija Denžić Lugomer, Damir Pavliček, Nina Bilandžić, Darko Majnarić
Preliminary communication

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