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Market-Tržište , Vol. 30 No. 1, 2018.

  • Publication date: 15.06.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.06.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodnik (page 5-6)

Editorial preface (page 5-6)

Đurđana Ozretić Došen

The Role of Employee Affective Delivery and Customer Perceived Control in Service Recovery (page 7-22)

Zsofia Kenesei, Krisztina Kolos
Original scientific paper

Adolescent Influence on Parental Purchase Decisions: Typology of Innovative Products (page 23-39)

Vytautas Dikčius, Indrė Pikturnienė, Vilmantė Pakalniškienė, James Reardon, Eleonora Šeimienė
Preliminary communication

The Impact of Perceived Counterfeit Luxury Brand Proliferation on Luxury Brand Values and Patronage Intention (page 41-60)

Natee Srisomthavil, Nuttapol Assarut
Original scientific paper

Can New Product Selling and Innovation in Sales Be Improved by Using Internal Marketing and Empowerment? (page 61-75)

Erik Ružić, Dragan Benazić
Preliminary communication

Do Perceived Culture Personality Traits Lead to a More Favourable Rating of Countries as Tourist Destinations? (page 77-91)

Tamás Gyulavári, Erzsébet Malota
Original scientific paper

The Early Days of Swatch: Birth of the Fast Fashion Watch Business Model (page 93-108)

Nikola Drasković, Milivoj Marković, Christian Petersen
Review article

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