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  • Publication date: 30.10.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.02.2019.

Table of contents

Full text

SADRŽAJ (page 3-3)


CONTENTS (page 4-4)


Riječ urednika (page 5-5)

Ivana Zagorac

Uvodnik "Suvremeno obrazovanje i ekonomski izazovi" (page 9-10)

Tomislav Krznar

The distortion of value: The economy and ethical reductionism (page 11-26)

Michael George
Preliminary communication

A reflection on research methods in the arts in view of the relationship between the artist and society (page 47-62)

Marijana Županić Benić, Antonija Balić-Šimrak
Original scientific paper

Child music production: A creative and autotelic aspect (page 63-83)

Blaženka Bačlija Sušić
Review article

Slobodan Sadžakov, Miloš Šumonja: Filozofija obrazovanja (page 124-126)

Ivana Zagorac
Case report

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