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  • Publication date: 30.12.2019.
  • Published on HRČAK: 11.01.2020.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial (page 285-285)

Igor Eterović

Fritz Jahr as Methodological Paradigm in Bioethical Education (page 287-310)

Luka Perušić
Original scientific paper

Bioethics in Eastern Europe: Panorama of Views, Phenomena and Concepts (page 0-0)

Amir Muzur, Iva Rinčić, Toni Buterin
Preliminary communication

Towards Ethical Conception in Legal Regulation of Vaccination in the Russian Federation (page 325-336)

Olga Iosifovna Kubar, Asmik Georgievna Asatryan, Maria Vladimirovna Roshchina, Galina Ljvovna Mikirtichan, Anastasia Evgenievna Nikitina
Preliminary communication

Guest Editor’s Editorial (page 337-339)

Ivica Kelam

Biopolitical Laboratory and the Genetic Modification of the Psyche (page 341-360)

Luka Janeš
Original scientific paper

Self-realization of Living Beings and GMO in Agriculture (page 0-0)

Josip Guć
Preliminary communication

An Ethical View on International Trade Agreements TTIP and CETA in the Republic of Croatia (page 377-396)

Mile Marinčić, Berislav Čović
Preliminary communication

Genetically Modified Crops – Bioethical Approach (page 0-0)

Željko Kaluđerović
Review article

Intellection of Upbringing in Global Context of Present and Future Challenges in Pedagogy (page 413-425)

Snježana Dubovicki, Marta Budić
Review article

The Role of Bioethics in Environmental Engineering Education (page 0-0)

Jelena Loborec, Saša Zavrtnik, Damir Žubčić
Review article

Prohibited Production and Selling GMOs in North Macedonia (page 0-0)

Dejan Donev
Professional paper

Agriculture, GM and Ethics: The Case of India (page 449-453)

Keya Acharya
Letter to the Editor

Hank ten Have, editor: Global Education in Bioethics (page 461-464)

Helena Štrucelj
Case report

3rd Osijek Days of Bioethics (page 467-470)

Zoran Kojčić, Ivica Kelam
Case report

A Tribute to the Memory of Dr. Leo Pessini (1955 – 2019) (page 471-472)

Geni Mari Hoss
In memoriam, Obituary

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