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  • Publication date: 22.07.2020.
  • Published on HRČAK: 08.07.2020.

Table of contents

Full text

Vratiti dug sv. Jeronimu (page 191-195)

To Pay Back the Debt to St. Jerome (page 0-0)

Ivan Bodrožić

Letter from Fr. Pavao Vučković from Captivity in Urfa (Edessa) in 1699 (page 0-0)

Marko Rimac, Josip Dukić
Original scientific paper

Jewish Religious Community in Salona (page 0-0)

Ivan Matijević
Review article

Establishment and Work of the Crusaders Organization in Croatia (1930-1945) (page 0-0)

Zdravko Matić, Damir Stručić
Original scientific paper

On use of words such as Nature, Luck and Fate in Old Testament Translations (page 0-0)

Boris Havel
Preliminary communication

New Testament Biblical Bibliography (2016-2018) (page 0-0)

Karlo Višaticki, Tihonija Zovko
Professional paper

Movements and New Communities in the Parish (page 0-0)

Alojzije Čondić
Book review

Christus vivit (page 369-374)

Christus vivit (page 0-0)

Alojzije Čondić
Book review

To Be in the Family of the Church (page 0-0)

Josip Periš
Book review

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (page 0-0)

Ante Bekavac
Book review

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