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  • Publication date: 21.03.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.03.2021.

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Method for Base Estimation of Construction Time for Linear Projects in Front-end Project Phases (page 2312-2326)

Ivana Burcar Dunovic, Kristijan Robert Prebanić, Pavao Durrigl
Original scientific paper

A study of project managers’ choice on key methods, tools and techniques in managing engineering projects (page 2327-2340)

Mladen Radujkovic, Mariela Sjekavica Klepo
Original scientific paper

Estimation of the excavator actual productivity at the construction site using video analysis (page 2341-2352)

Martina Sopic, Mladen Vukomanovic, Diana Car Pusic, Ivica Završki
Original scientific paper

On-site factories to support lean principles and industrialized construction (page 2353-2366)

Anton Rosarius, Borja García de Soto
Original scientific paper

Assessing the role and significance of project selection by the contractors in the Saudi construction industry (page 2367-2373)

Abdulrahman Bageis, Saleh Alsulamy
Original scientific paper

Drivers of cost and time overruns: A client and contractor perspective (page 2374-2382)

Peter Dahlin, Ossi Pesämaa
Original scientific paper

A framework for achieving sustainability by overcoming the challenges of the construction supply chain during the design process (page 2391-2415)

Ayman Ahmed Ezzat Othman, Nooran AlNassar
Original scientific paper

Analyzing and modeling thermal complaints in a commercial building in France (page 2416-2425)

Ezgi Kocaman, Merve Kuru, Gülben Çalış
Original scientific paper

Providing a framework for optimizing a mixing design of reactive powder concrete (RPC) (page 2438-2449)

Farid Ghaffari Moghaddam, Abbas Akbarpour, Afshin Firouzi
Original scientific paper

Added value of sites suitable for sustainable office development (page 2465-2471)

Josef Kupec
Original scientific paper

Construction health and safety: A topic landscape study (page 2472-2483)

Xiaorui Cao, Ruodan Lu, Liang Guo, Jianya Liu
Original scientific paper

Understanding the effects of BIM implementation in corporation finance: An empirical study in China (page 2484-2495)

Zhimin Wang, Jianjun Ma
Original scientific paper

Sleep duration and fatigue in construction workers: A preliminary study (page 2496-2504)

Ximena Ferrada, Silvia Barrios, Patricia Masalan, Solange Campos-Romero, Juan Carrillo, Yerko Molina
Original scientific paper

A new framework for ranking Critical Success Factors for International Construction Projects (page 2505-2520)

Lana Lovrenčić Butković
Original scientific paper

Determination of construction process duration based on labor productivity estimation: A case study (page 2521-2538)

Darja Kubečková, Stanislav Smugala
Original scientific paper

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