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  • Publication date: 15.07.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.07.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

On the legal nature and the construction of formula of actio fiduciae (page 229-256)

Tomislav Karlović
Original scientific paper

Znanstveni pristup pravu i uloga pravne svijesti (page 257-267)

Mario Krešić
Original scientific paper

Debenture as a means of insurance in commercial contracts: yesterday, today, tomorrow (page 269-293)

Lidija Šimunović, Martin Radiček
Original scientific paper

Argument a contrario (page 295-313)

Argument a contrario (page 295-313)

Marin Keršić
Original scientific paper

Liability for damage in sport (croatian positive law) (page 351-383)

Blanka Kačer, Fani Milan Ostojić, Ana-Maria Bogović
Review article

Djeca i donošenje medicinskih odluka (page 385-405)

Ivana Tucak, Tomislav Nedić, Dorian Sabo
Review article

Crimes against humanity: towards the protection of humanity and human dignity (page 407-443)

Enis Omerović, Andrea Grande
Review article

General and specific legal effects of the contract (page 445-481)

Mladen Pavlović
Professional paper

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