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  • Publication date: 21.07.2024.
  • Published on HRČAK: 22.07.2024.

Table of contents

Full text

Preface (page VII-IX)

Melita Aleksa Varga, Hrisztalina Hrisztova-Gotthardt

Animal predators as a characterising element in short folklore forms (page 1-21)

Saša Babič
Original scientific paper

Proverbs in comparison and contact: Examples from the proverbial discourse of the Balkans (page 131-153)

Georgios (George) Tserpes
Original scientific paper

Definition matters: The pitfalls of proverb studies (page 154-173)

Damien Villers
Original scientific paper

“A fire don’t burn unless it’s started”: Prince’s proverbial lyrics (page 174-209)

Derek Williams
Original scientific paper

International bibliography of new and reprinted proverb collections (page 232-235)

Wolfgang Mieder

International proverb scholarship: An updated bibliography (page 236-281)

Wolfgang Mieder

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