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Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 82 No. 2, 2009.

  • Publication date: 15.07.2009.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.07.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

Graphical Abstracts and Contents (page CCVII-CCXIV)


Editorial (page CCXV-CCXV)

Marina Cindrić, Boris Kamenar

DRAGO GRDENIĆ – Curriculum Vitae (page CCXVII-CCXIX)

Boris Kamenar

DRAGO GRDENIĆ – List of Publications (page CCXXI-CCXXIV)

Marina Cindrić

Crystal Structure of the First Polymeric Tetramercurated Methane Derivative of Hofmann's Base (page 337-344)

Dalibor Milić, Željka Soldin, Gerald Giester, Zora Popović, Dubravka Matković-Čalogović
Original scientific paper

Polyoxomolybdates and Polyoxomolybdovanadates – from Structure to Functions: Recent Results (page 345-362)

Marina Cindrić, Zorica Veksli, Boris Kamenar
Review article

Unique Electronic and Structural Properties of 1,4-Benzoquinones: Crystallochemistry of Alkali Chloranilate Hydrates (page 387-396)

Krešimir Molčanov, Biserka Kojić-Prodić, Anton Meden
Original scientific paper

Investigation of Crystalline Phases in the α-Fe2O3/α-Al2O3 System (page 397-404)

Mira Ristić, Stanko Popović, Svetozar Musić
Original scientific paper

Microstructure of Al-Zn and Zn-Al Alloys (page 405-420)

Željko Skoko, Stanko Popović, Goran Štefanić
Original scientific paper

Iterative Methods for the Solution of the Phase Problem in Protein Crystallography (page 421-432)

Anton Thumiger, Giussepe Zanotti
Review article

Structure of the T6 Human Nickel Insulin Derivative at 1.35 Å Resolution (page 433-438)

Biserka Prugovečki, Eleanor J. Dodson, Guy G. Dodson, Dubravka Matković-Čalogović
Original scientific paper

Arab-1, a GDSL Lipase from the Model Plant, Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (page 439-447)

Goran Mikleušević, Branka Salopek-Sondi, Marija Luić
Original scientific paper

A New Portable XRD/XRF Instrument for Non-destructive Analysis (page 449-454)

Augusto Pifferi, Gaetano Campi, Carmelo Giacovazzo, Ettore Gobbi
Original scientific paper

Intramolecular Cyclization Reactions in Haloalkyl-Cobalt Complexes with Macrocyclic Equatorial Ligands (page 455-461)

Renata Dreos, Lucio Randaccio, Patrizia Siega, Višnja Vrdoljak
Review article

Strong Antiferromagnetism in Isolated Anionic Dicopper(II) Methanoato Paddle-wheel Complex (page 463-467)

Bojan Kozlevčar, Igor Kovšca, Zvonko Jagličić, Andrej Pevec, Nives Kitanovski, Peter Strauch, Primož Šegedin
Original scientific paper

Structure and Hydrogen Bonding Interactions in Methoxysalicylaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives in Solution by NMR and DFT Methods (page 477-483)

Predrag Novak, Katarina Pičuljan, Tomica Hrenar, Vilko Smrečki
Original scientific paper

Low-temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Noble-metal Surfaces (page 485-491)

Erik Zupanič, Rok Žitko, Herman J. P. van Midden, Igor Muševič, Albert Prodan
Original scientific paper

Seryl-tRNA Synthetases: Enzymes with Multiple Personalities (page 493-501)

Silvija Bilokapić, Nenad Ban, Ivana Weygand-Đurašević
Review article

Effect of Charge Distribution on the Stability of Nano-dispersions (page 531-535)

Nikola Kallay, Tajana Preočanin, Davor Kovačević
Original scientific paper

On Reciprocal and Reverse Balaban Indices (page 537-541)

Bo Zhou, Nenad Trinajstić
Original scientific paper

Estimation of Ozone and Peroxide Levels in the Air of Croatia (page 543-551)

Gordana Pehnec, Leo Klasinc, Vladimir Vađić, Glenda Šorgo
Original scientific paper

Association of Nitrate Ion with Metal Cations in Aqueous Solution: a UV-Vis Spectrometric and Factor-Analytical Study (page 553-559)

Vlatka Gvozdić, Vladislav Tomišić, Vjekoslav Butorac, Vladimir Simeon
Original scientific paper

On the Vibrational Interlacing Rule in Deuterated Thiophene: I. Out-of-plane Vibrations (page 561-566)

Antonija Tomić, Tomislav P. Živković
Original scientific paper

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