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  • Publication date: 20.04.1993.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.04.2011.

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Full text

The first Croatian Linguist Bartol Kašić and his »Ritual rimski« (page 147-147)

Vladimir Horvat
Original scientific paper

Historical Panorama of the Constitution of the Society of Jesus (page 160-160)

Josip Antolović
Conference paper

St. Ignatius of Loyola as Founder of the Society of Jesus (page 180-180)

Franjo Pšeničnjak
Conference paper

Ignatius - a Message for the Present (page 190-190)

Ivan Koprek
Conference paper

Trinity in the Charisma of St. Ignatius (page 200-200)

Rudolf Brajičić
Conference paper

Ignacije i školstvo (page 201-206)

Ignatius and education (page 207-207)

Jerko Matoš
Conference paper

The Church in the Personal Experience of St. Ignatius of Loyola (page 219-219)

Josip Antolović
Conference paper

Zakašnjeli susret Hrvatske i Europe (page 221-232)

Jakov Jukić

Pierre de Clovirière (page 233-237)

Rudolf Brajičić

Spomenik Providnosti (page 238-241)

Ivan Golub

Zračiti nadu bolesnima (page 241-242)

Melhiora Biošić

Svetinja (page 244-244)

Stanislava Adamić

Danteov hrvatski hodočasnik (page 245-249)

Ivan Golub

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