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  • Publication date: 20.03.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 27.04.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Legal aid in civil matters between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia (page 243-274)

Aleksandra Maganić
Original scientific paper

Marginalia to the regulation of alimony proceedings in Croatian and Macedonian law (page 275-314)

Slađana Aras
Original scientific paper

Subjects of alimony proceedings in Croatian and Macedonian law (page 315-346)

Slađana Aras
Review article

Self-taxation as a source of funding for local units - The Croatian and Macedonian experience (page 391-416)

Tereza Rogić Lugarić, Aleksandra Maksimovska Veljanovski
Review article

Правната заштита на јавните набавки (page 417-440)

Nikola Tupanceski, Dragana Kiprijanovska
Review article

Постхумната репродукција и наследното право (page 519-543)

Dejan Mickovik
Original scientific paper

Iniuria in pre-classical Roman law: concept and protection (page 545-571)

Ivana Jaramaz-Reskušić
Original scientific paper

Croatia and Macedonia in the European patent system (page 675-694)

Romana Matanovac Vučković
Review article

Deposit insurance - regulation de lege lata and prospects (page 785-819)

Hrvoje Markovinović
Original scientific paper

Storage contract in Croatian and Macedonian law (page 821-847)

Petar Ceronja
Original scientific paper

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