Professional paper
Analysis of Brown Bear Damages in Croatia in the Period from 2004 until 2009
Magda Sindičić
; Zavod za biologiju, patologiju i uzgoj divljači, Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Heinzelova 55, 10 000 Zagreb
Davor Zec
; Ministarstvo regionalnog razvoja, šumarstva i vodnoga gospodarstva, Zagreb
Đuro Huber
; Zavod za biologiju, Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
One of the most important elements of a modern brown bear management is human – bear conflict. Economic losses are one of the key factors influencing negative public attitudes towards brown bears. In Croatia a population of 1000 bears has almost reached its biological and social capacity. Brown bear in Croatia is a game species, protected by a closed hunting season and hunting quotas defined by yearly Action plans. National Brown bear Management Plan and Hunting Act regulate compensation of damage caused by brown bears. In areas where bears are permanently present and hunted damage compensation is paid by hunting unit leaseholders, whereas in national parks, areas where bears are not hunted and in areas with only accidental presence of bears compensation is paid from the state budget. The goal of this paper was to present and analyze data about brown bear damages in Croatia during the first 6 years (2004–2009) of the Management Plan implementation, in other words the first 6 years of organized data collection. Totally 227 damage cases have been reported in this period (on average 37.8 cases per year). Most of the damage has been done on agricultural goods (54.2%), attacks on domestic animals (23.8%) and apiaries (8.8%). During this period attacks on humans have not been registered. Considering the population size of 1000 animals, brown bears cause low material damage in Croatia.
brown bear; damage; management; Ursus arctos
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