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Original scientific paper

Stamped Tegulae from the Old Holdings of the Archaeological Collection in Vid near Metković

Jagoda Mardešić

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page 99-112

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Study of stamps on tegulae opens up the possibilities for better understanding of trade and tradingroutes on the Adriatic, and together with the data obtained by studies of the epigraphic material, itcan give a very good insight into the trading and other relations and infl uences between the citiesand counties on the Adriatic coast. Tegulae can rarely be used as a reliable element for determiningthe age because they last long and often have secondary usage. Possibly the best example for thatis the fact that during the reconstruction of the roof of St Duje’s cathedral in Split, tegulae werefound as parts of the roof construction. In 1989, Matijašić showed that two kinds of products couldbe distinguished on the east Adriatic coast: reddish ceramic products from the valley of the Po Riverand the ones originating from Aquileia that are mainly yellow ceramics. Connections of Dalmatiaand Aquileia were clearly documented and the Adriatic coast represented from the mid 1st centuryBC to the 2nd century one homogeneous entity that traded the same goods coming from thesame workshops. The storages of Narona collection in Vid near Metković (the old holdings) keep29 fragments of stamped tegulae that have not been inventoried. The most numerous among thetegulae kept in the storage is the stamp variant PANSIANA (14 pieces- cat. no. 1 - 5, 7 - 13, 23 and 25).It is followed by the C. AMBROSI (7 pieces - cat. no. 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 24 and 25), C. TITI HERMEROTIS(4 pieces - cat. no. 6, 20, 27 and 29) and one example each: EVVARISTI or EVARISTI (cat. no. 28), L. EPIDITHEODORI (cat. no. 17), SOLONAS (cat. no. 18) and VAL...DO... (cat. no. 16).Total sum of 77 stamped tegulae fragments from Narona have been published so far (includingthe tegulae discussed in this paper). 36 of them have been manufactured in Pansiana workshop(47%), 14 come from Q. Clodi Ambrosi workshop (18%), 7 - C. Titi Hermerotis (9%), 4 - T. Coeli (5%), 3 -Solonas (4%), 2 - Faesoni, 2 - Q. Grani Prisci (2%), and one in each workshop: D. Poblici, Adiecti, M. AlbiRvfi , Evvaristi and L. Epidi Theodori.According to the aforementioned classifi cation according to the place of the production byMatijašić, the most numerous is the group of tegulae that have been imported from the area betweenthe Po delta and Aquileia. Those are the Pansiana, Solonas, Faesoni and Q. Clodi Ambrosi stamps thattogether make 71% of the total sum of the published stamped tegulae from Narona.Connections between south Dalmatia and north Italy have become more obvious after thepublishing of the small objects from Narona kept in the Archaeological museum in Split, Augusteumfi ndings from Narona and the revision of the old holdings of Vid collection. It is more clear that theconnections were not random but very intense, and that various types of materials were traded.However, without a possible fi nd of a shipwreck, we cannot precisely state that the tegulae weretransported separately or as a part of a ship cargo.


Narona; stamped tegulae

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