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Quality labels on agricultural and food products
Nada Knežević
; Podravka d.d., Istraživanje i razvoj, Koprivnica, Hrvatska
Marina Palfi
; Podravka d.d., Istraživanje i razvoj, Koprivnica, Hrvatska
Karolina Vrandečić
; Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Hrvatska
Ivana Dodlek Šarkanj
; Odjel za prehrambenu tehnologiju, Sveučilište Sjever, Sveučilišni centar Koprivnica, Hrvatska
Jasenka Čosić
; Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Hrvatska
Puni tekst: hrvatski pdf 347 Kb
str. 420-429
preuzimanja: 617
APA 6th Edition
Knežević, N., Palfi, M., Vrandečić, K., Dodlek Šarkanj, I. i Čosić, J. (2021). Quality labels on agricultural and food products. MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu, 23. (5.), 420-429.
MLA 8th Edition
Knežević, Nada, et al. "Quality labels on agricultural and food products." MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu, vol. 23., br. 5., 2021, str. 420-429. Citirano 17.02.2025.
Chicago 17th Edition
Knežević, Nada, Marina Palfi, Karolina Vrandečić, Ivana Dodlek Šarkanj i Jasenka Čosić. "Quality labels on agricultural and food products." MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu 23., br. 5. (2021): 420-429.
Knežević, N., et al. (2021). 'Quality labels on agricultural and food products', MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu, 23.(5.), str. 420-429.
Knežević N, Palfi M, Vrandečić K, Dodlek Šarkanj I, Čosić J. Quality labels on agricultural and food products. MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu [Internet]. 2021 [pristupljeno 17.02.2025.];23.(5.):420-429.
N. Knežević, M. Palfi, K. Vrandečić, I. Dodlek Šarkanj i J. Čosić, "Quality labels on agricultural and food products", MESO: Prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu, vol.23., br. 5., str. 420-429, 2021. [Online].
Preuzmi JATS datoteku
Consumers are choosing more carefully the products they buy and paying more and more attention to indigenous agricultural and food products protected by labels at national and European level. With its legislative framework, the EU to protect the value of these products with appropriate designations of origin (PDO), geographical origin (PGI) and guaranteed traditional specialty (TSI). All products protected by PDO, PGI and TSI at the EU level are in the database eAmbrosia - the EU geographical indications register. The Republic of Croatia has so far protected 31 products, of which 14 products with the PDO label and 17 products with the PGI label. Other statutory certification schemes in the EU and / or voluntary certification schemes at national level as well as those managed by private entities also have to aim to help consumers choose the products they buy. In order to increase the recognition and promotion of domestic agricultural and food products, the Republic of Croatia has established a national quality system of agricultural and food products through a unique recognizable label - "Dokazana kvaliteta “. In order to attract even more consumer attention for such products, additional investment is needed in the promotion and education of consumers in the national and international market.
Ključne riječi
quality labels; consumer information; "Dokazana kvaliteta"
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