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  • Publication date: 30.07.1996.
  • Published on HRČAK: 06.06.2017.

Table of contents

Full text

Strategic tourism marketing of C.E.I. countries - basic framework (page 1-13)

Vinka Cetinski, Sanda Weber
Preliminary communication

The social marketing management and quality of the tourist product (page 41-46)

Ludmila Novacka
Preliminary communication

Politika cijena u hotelskom marketingu (page 47-56)

Tonka Pančić Kombol
Review article

Total quality management for the hotel industry and tourism (page 67-80)

Ivanka Avelini Holjevac
Review article

Controlling u hotelijersko-turističkom gospodarstvu (page 0-0)

Milena Peršić
Original scientific paper

Qualitätsmanagement u turizmu (page 0-0)

Christian Dörfler
Professional paper

Reinženjering poslovnih funkcija i controlling hotela (page 0-0)

Vlado Galičić
Professional paper

Računovodstveni izvještaji i operativni controlling (page 135-139)

Lajoš Žager
Review article

Poznavanje stranih jezika kao pretpostavka TQM-a u hotelijerstvu i turizmu (page 0-0)

Nevenka Blažević, Jadranka Škunca
Review article

Contracts on hotel management and franchising (page 0-0)

Vinko Kandžija, Nenad Ivandić
Original scientific paper

Performance evaluation in the hotel industry (page 179-185)

Milota Vetrakova
Original scientific paper

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