Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Metalurgija , Vol. 59 No. 4, 2020.

  • Datum izdavanja: 01.10.2020.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 20.07.2020.


Puni tekst

Markov hot blast stove prediction based on hybrid intelligent algorithm (str. 451-454)

C. N. Zhang, Y. R. Li
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effect of ludwigite (B2O3) on high Al2O3 slag and its mechanism used as a new blast furnace welding flux (str. 455-458)

B. Dai, H. Long, Y. Wen, Y. Ji
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Influence of rare earths metals (REM) on the structure and selected properties of grey cast iron (str. 459-462)

J. Kasińska, D. Myszka
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Simulation study on effect of chassis water cooling on solidification of eleven tons flat steel ingot (str. 467-469)

Z. S. Zhang, X. L. Zhu, M. G. Shen, G. W. Ao
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Utilization of diffraction analysis in the study of martensitic weld deposits using tungsten carbide particles on S235JR+N steel (str. 470-472)

J. Kozák, L. Krejčí, I. Hlavatý, R. Čep, I. Samardžić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Optimal control of heating in a reheating furnace (str. 473-476)

K. Kostúr
Izvorni znanstveni članak

A study of the biohydrometallurgical method for extracting gold from flotation tailings (str. 477-480)

A. K. Koizhanova, B. K. Kenzhaliyev, D. R. Magomedov, E. M. Kamalov, M. B. Erdenova, N. N. Abdyldaev
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Structure and mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings doped with silicon (str. 481-484)

K. Milewski, M. Madej
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Impact of the heat treatment parameters on ultimate tensile strength, microstructure and wire drawing process of Zn-Al15 (str. 489-492)

P. Strzępek, P. Osuch, M. Walkowicz, M. Zasadzińska, A. Mamala, T. Knych, T. Napióra
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Heat treatment effect on the properties of vibration treated steel during crystalization (str. 493-495)

Ye. P. Shcherbakova, Sv. S. Kvon, D. A. Issagulova, S. K. Arinova
Prethodno priopćenje

Ways to improve texture technology reflective chromite ore of Kazakhstan (str. 496-498)

A. Kim, A. Akberdin, R. Sultangaziyev
Prethodno priopćenje

Studying the properties of shell molds manufactured under industrial conditions using unsteady-state pressure (str. 499-502)

V. Yu. Kulikov, Sv. S. Kvon, M. K. Ibatov, Ye. P. Chsherbakova, D. A. Issagulova, A. M. Dostaeva
Prethodno priopćenje

Non-metallic inclusions controling at the ladle furnace (LF) station (str. 503-506)

M. Warzecha
Prethodno priopćenje

Studying the properties of sand-resin molds made using a variable load (str. 507-510)

V. Yu. Kulikov, A. Z. Issagulov, M. K. Ibatov, D. A. Issagulova, T. V. Kоvaleva, Ye.P. Chsherbakova
Prethodno priopćenje

Studying the properties and microstructure of parts obtained by different casting technologies (str. 511-513)

Ye. P. Shcherbakova, S. K. Arinova, I. Ye. Medvedeva, G. S. Zhetessova, Sv. S. Kvon
Prethodno priopćenje

Recovery of low-carbon ferrochrome with multi-component aluminum-silicon-chrome (Al - Si - Cr) alloy (str. 514-516)

Ye. Shabanov, S. Baisanov, K. Grigorovich, A. Baisanova, R. Toleukadyr, Zh. Saulebek
Prethodno priopćenje

Fracture analysis of nodular cast iron crankshaft (str. 517-520)

M. S. Xu, J. L. Shi
Prethodno priopćenje

Investigation and comparison of the softening temperature of manganese ores used for the production of complex ligatures based on Fe-Si-Mn-Al (str. 521-524)

T. Zhuniskaliyev, A. Nurumgaliyev, O. Zayakin, Ye. Mukhambetgaliyev, Ye. Kuatbay, A. Mukhambetkaliyev
Prethodno priopćenje

Viscosity and crystallization temperature of ferroalloy slags from Kazakhstan ore (str. 525-528)

O. Sariev, S. Kim, Ye. Zhumagaliev, B. Kelamanov, M. Sultanov, N. Nurgali
Prethodno priopćenje

Development of an alternative technology for the production of refined ferrochrome (str. 529-532)

A. Akuov, Ye. Samuratov, B. Kelamanov, Ye. Zhumagaliyev, M. Taizhigitova
Prethodno priopćenje

Remelting the high-carbon ferrochrome dust in a direct current arc furnace (DCF) (str. 533-536)

O. Sariev, B. Kelamanov, Ye. Zhumagaliyev, S. Kim, A. Abdirashit, M. Almagambetov
Prethodno priopćenje

Analysis and study test materials coke in a high temperature furnace (str. 537-539)

X. Y. Wang, Y. Zeng
Prethodno priopćenje

Nanomodifier effect on structure and properties changes of heat-treatable steel (str. 540-542)

A. Z. Issagulov, Ye. V. Skvortsov, V. Yu. Kulikov, Sv. S. Kvon, A. A. Alina
Prethodno priopćenje

Calculating and experimental studying phase transformations in the Al-Zr-Fe-Si system alloys (str. 543-546)

A. R. Toleuova, A. M. Dostayeva, O. M. Zharkevich, S. A. Abdulina, M. A. Adilkanovva, D. Serikbayev
Prethodno priopćenje

Studying the properties of refractory products manufactured by two-stage pressing under industrial conditions (str. 547-550)

A. Z. Issagulov, M. K. Ibatov, A. M. Dostayeva, G. K. Koshebayeva, O. M. Zharkevich
Prethodno priopćenje

Studying nanopowder modifiers (NPM) effect on structure and properties steels (str. 551-554)

P. V. Kovalev, S. V. Ryaboshuk, A. Z. Issagulov, M. K. Ibatov, Sv. S. Kvon, V. Yu. Kulikov
Prethodno priopćenje

The influence of the axial tension on the linear resistance and mechanical properties of AlMgSi alloy overhead line conductors (str. 555-558)

A. Mamala, P. Strzępek, M. Zasadzińska, B. Smyrak, M. Sadzikowski
Prethodno priopćenje

Investigation of the stress-strain state of balls under deformation in a closed die (str. 559-562)

M. Abishkenov, Zh. Ashkeyev, S. Mashekov, G. Akhmetova, I. Volokitina
Prethodno priopćenje

New-design radial-shear rolling mill (RSRM) automation (str. 563-566)

S. A. Mashekov, U. D. Angarbekov, A. E. Uderbayeva, N. Sarsenbayev
Prethodno priopćenje

Achievements in the titanium production development (str. 567-570)

K. Sh. Akhmetova, B. K. Kenzhaliev, S. A. Trebukhov, A. V. Nitsenko, N. M. Burabaeva
Prethodno priopćenje

Method of combating fatigue destruction of steel structures of mine hoisting machines (str. 571-574)

A. D. Mekhtiyev, F. N. Bulatbaev, A. V. Taranov, A. V. Bashirov, N. V. Mutovina, A. D. Alkina
Prethodno priopćenje

Fracture analysis of crankshaft of heavy truck engine (str. 575-577)

W. Ding
Prethodno priopćenje

Use of econometric models for predicting the lifetime of steam pipelines in the power industry (str. 581-584)

J. Piątkowski, B. Gajdzik, A. Mesjasz
Pregledni rad

Analysis of steel production total and by process in Poland and Romania with forecast until 2023 (str. 585-588)

B. Gajdzik, J. Piątkowski, P. Kliś
Pregledni rad

Annual assambly of Croatian Metallurgical Society (CMS) (str. 589-589)

Ilija Mamuzić

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