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  • Publication date: 19.12.1990.
  • Published on HRČAK: 05.05.2012.

Table of contents

Full text

Impresum (page 1-2)

Uredništvo Etnološka tribina

Sadržaj (page 3-4)

Uredništvo Etnološka tribina

Riječ uredništva (page 5-5)

Uredništvo Etnološka tribina

On the Dechristianization of Popular Culture (page 16-16)

Dunja Rihtman-Auguštin
Original scientific paper

Običaj i kriza (page 17-21)

Custom and Chrisis (page 21-21)

Silvio Braica
Original scientific paper

"New Wave" as the Anticipation of Chrisis (page 31-0)

Ines Prica
Original scientific paper

Alternative Trade Between Need and Leisure (page 40-40)

Aleksandra Muraj
Original scientific paper

Način življenja - indikator kriznih in nekriznih stanj (page 45-45)

Slavko Kremenšek
Original scientific paper

Crisis and Everyday Life - the Case of Belgrade (page 61-61)

Mirjana Prošić-Dvornić
Original scientific paper

Folklor i politika (page 63-71)

Folklor und Politik (page 71-71)

Ivan Čolović
Original scientific paper

Inflation in the "Ošišani jež" Cartoons (page 78-78)

Gordana Ljuboja
Original scientific paper

Što ljudi čine, a o čemu rijetko govore (page 81-95)

Jonas Frykman
Original scientific paper

Das Dorf Bregi (In der nahe der statd Koprivnica) (page 107-107)

Vladimir Jelavić
Review article

The Form of Architecture and the Way of Living (page 114-114)

Aleksandra Muraj
Original scientific paper

Ways of Facilitation of Dying in the Banija Region (page 122-122)

Dražen Nožinić
Review article

Vijesti (page 125-131)

Jelka Vince-Pallua, Manda Svirac, Tihana Petrović, Reana Senjković

In memoriam Lydia Sklevicky (1952-1990) (page 135-136)

Željka Jelavić, Maja Povrzanović
In memoriam, Obituary

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