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Forum for Security Studies , Vol. 1 No. 1, 2017.

  • Publication date: 01.06.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.04.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodnik (page 6-7)

Ružica Jakešević

National Minorities and Dual Citizenship (page 0-0)

Slaven Ravlić
Original scientific paper

Multikulturalizam: kako dalje? (page 33-43)

Goran Bašić
Review article

Utjecaj migrantske krize na lokalne zajednice u Srbiji i na mogućnosti za integraciju migrantske populacije (page 44-72)

Vladimir Vuletić, Jelena Pešić
Original scientific paper

Razvoj politike azila EU (page 97-129)

Vladimir Koturović, Suzana Bošković
Review article

Mass migration: challenges, implications and the way forward (page 0-0)

Robert Mikac, Filip Dragović
Review article

Minority Policy Framework in the Republic of Serbia (page 0-0)

Dušan Janjić
Review article

Politics of Multiculturalism and Roma Political Participation in Montenegro (page 0-0)

Danijela Vuković-Ćalasan
Review article

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