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  • Publication date: 30.06.2020.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.06.2020.

Table of contents

Full text

Challenges of Prison Farm Management in Nigeria (page 2-10)

Irenonsen Oyaimare Uddin, Edwin Mbadiwe Igbokwe, Jane M. Chah
Preliminary communication

Reintegration of prisoners into society - can we do better? (page 47-77)

Snježana Maloić, Anita Jandrić Nišević
Review article

Terminology and conceptualization of sexual exploitation of children on the internet (page 95-114)

Lucija Vejmelka, Jakov Jurinić
Review article

Parental separation and alienation: lost in translation - Operationalization of professional and scientific terminology (page 133-141)

Mia Roje Đapić, Gordana Buljan Flander, Romana Galić
Professional paper

Kazalo (page 0-0)

Table of contents (page 0-0)


Impressum (page 0-0)


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