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Liječnički vjesnik , Vol. 144 No. Supp 1, 2022.

  • Publication date: 24.04.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 03.05.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Age-related immune responses to COVID-19 vaccines (page 3-5)

Luka Čičin - Šain
Review article

Genetic variability and COVID-19 disease (page 6-12)

Irena Drmić Hofman, Snježana Židovec Lepej
Review article

New Guidelines in Paediatric Resusucitation (page 13-15)

Ivan Vidmar
Review article

Twenty years of Pediatric intensive care unit in Split (page 16-18)

Julije Meštrović, Branka Polić, Joško Markić, Tanja Kovačević, Tatjana Ćatipović Ardalić, Vjekoslav Krželj
Review article

Acute liver failure and transplantation (page 21-26)

Mirna Natalija Aničić, Lana Omerza, Irena Senečić-Čala, Duška Tješić-Drinković, Jurica Vuković
Review article

Cystic fibrosis – new therapeutic aproaches (page 27-35)

Duška Tješić-Drinković, Lana Omerza, Ivan Bambir, Ivana Todorić, Mirna Natalija Aničić, Irena Senečić-Čala, Jurica Vuković, Andrea Vukić Dugac, Dorian Tješić-Drinković
Review article

Pancreatitis in children – from diagnosis to treatment (page 36-42)

Irena Senečić-Čala, Mirna Natalija Aničić, Lana Omerza, Duška Tješić-Drinković, Jurica Vuković
Review article

Celiac disease – new guidelines, what is new? – diagnostic algorithm from Croatian Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of the Croatian Medical Association (page 43-49)

Zrinjka Mišak, Iva Hojsak, Ranka Despot, Oleg Jadrešin, Sanja Kolaček, Vlatka Konjik, Goran Palčevski, Barbara Perše, Irena Senečić-Čala, Duška Tješić-Drinković, Jurica Vuković, Orjena Žaja
Review article

Inflammatory bowel disease in children – from the diagnosis to the treatment Recommendations from Croatian Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of the Croatian Medical Association (page 50-70)

Iva Hojsak, Sanja Kolaček, Zrinja Mišak, Ranka Despot, Oleg Jadrešin, Vlatka Konjik, Goran Palčevski, Barbara Perše, Irena Senečić-Čala, Duška Tješić-Drinković, Jurica Vuković, Orjena Žaja
Review article

Nausea and dyspepsia – frequent problems in pediatrics (page 71-77)

Vlatka Konjik
Review article

Functional abdominal pain disorders – how not to excess with diagnosis? (page 78-82)

Goran Palčevski, Kristina Baraba Dekanić
Review article

Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment od chronic constipation in children – Recommendations from Croatian Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of the Croatian Medical Association (page 83-88)

Ana Močić Pavić, Oleg Jadrešin, Ranka Despot, Iva Hojsak, Sanja Kolaček, Vlatka Konjik, Zrinjka Mišak, Goran Palčevski, Barbara Perše, Irena Senečić-Čala, Duška Tješić-Drinković, Jurica Vuković, Orjena Žaja
Review article

Interventional endoscopy (page 89-93)

Lana Omerza, Mirna Natalija Aničić, Irena Senečić-Čala, Duška Tješić-Drinković, Jurica Vuković
Review article

Fecal microbiota transplantation in children (page 94-98)

Kristina Baraba Denanić, Goran Palčevski
Review article

Gastrointestinal manifestation of food allergy (page 99-103)

Ranka Despot, Vanda Žitko, Antonia Jeličić Kadić
Review article

Eosinophilic esophagitis – what have we learned so far? (page 104-114)

Orjena Žaja, Vedrana Čović, Matea Crnković Ćuk, Barbara Perše
Review article

Atypical anorexia nervosa – eating disorder that we can’t see (page 115-120)

Barbara Perše, Matea Crnković Ćuk, Orjena Žaja
Review article

The beggining of COVID-19 pandemic in pediatric emergency departments – reports from Croatia and rest of the world (page 123-127)

Ante Šokota, Laura Prtorić, Goran Tešović
Original scientific paper

Children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic (page 133-138)

Željka Karin, Diana Nonković, Majda Gotovac
Original scientific paper

The effect of COVID-19 on the implementation mandatory vaccination of children and adolescents in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (page 139-143)

Lutvo Sporišević, Anes Jorunčić, Sadžida Oručević, Sanjin Musa
Original scientific paper

COVID-19 in children – a single center experience (page 144-148)

Mirta Šašić, Srđan Roglić
Original scientific paper

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) (page 149-152)

Lorna Stemberger Marić, Hrvoje Kniewald
Review article

Evaluation of coronary artery and immunologic status in post-COVID-19 children in Sarajevo (page 153-157)

Senka Mesihović-Dinarević, Jasminka Prguda-Mujić, Timur Šečić
Original scientific paper

Iskustva u liječenju djece oboljele od bolesti COVID-19 u Klinici za dječje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split (page 158-162)

Saša Sršen, Antonija Vuković Novogradec, Davor Petrović, Luka Stričević, Vitomir Metličić
Original scientific paper

Prirođene anomalije bubrega i urinarnog trakta (CAKUT) (page 165-166)

Anita Racetin, Nela Kelam, Natalija Filipović, Vlatka Martinović, Adela Arapović, Mirna Saraga-Babić, Marijan Saraga, Katarina Vukojević
Review article

The most common diseases of urinary tract in newborns (page 167-172)

Vesna Stojanović
Review article

Imaging methods in pediatric nephro/uroradiology: How far have we come? (page 173-179)

Goran Roić, Ana Tripalo Batoš, Alemka Jaklin Kekez, Iva Palčić, Andrea Cvitković Roić
Review article

Urolithiasis in children: metabolic causes and prevention (page 180-184)

Danko Milošević
Review article

Surgical approach to the treatment of urinary tract anomalies (page 180-190)

Zenon Pogorelić
Review article

Diagnostic procedures in children with urinary tract infections (page 191-193)

Jadranka Arambašić, Jerko Arambašić
Review article

Non-invasive diagnostic evaluation of voiding disorders in children (page 194-200)

Đurđica Košuljandić
Review article

Contemporary approach to neurogenic urinary bladder in children (page 201-206)

Andrea Cvitkorivć Roić, Iva Palčić, Tatjana Lesar, Goran Roić, Alemka Jaklin Kekez
Review article

Hypertension in children: new Croatian Guidelines on diagnosis and treatment (page 207-213)

Bernardica Valent Morić
Review article

Clinical Approach to the Child with Chronic Kidney Disease (page 214-217)

Martin Ćuk, Slaven Abdović
Review article

Inherited glomerulopathies of children: a Croatian experience (page 218-225)

Petar Šenjug, Danica Galešić Ljubanović
Original scientific paper

Nephrotic syndrome in children and new treatment recommendations (page 226-231)

Marijan Saraga
Review article

IgA nephropathy – new insights into IgA nephropathy (page 232-235)

Adela Arapović
Review article

Kazalo autora (page 236-236)

Author’s index (page 236-236)


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