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International studies , Vol. X No. 2, 2010.

  • Publication date: 30.11.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 26.01.2023.

Table of contents

Full text

Cover and Impressum (page 1-2)


Sadržaj (page 3-4)

Table of Contents (page 3-4)


President Obama and New US-European Relations (page 5-11)

Radovan Vukadinović
Original scientific paper

The Challenges of Stability in the IR Theory of Neorealism (page 61-75)

Mladen Pamper
Review article

Faraway, so close: Theory of European Integration (page 107-127)

Marko Trnski
Review article

Seminar "Srbija i NATO" (page 137-138)

Seminar "Serbia and NATO" (page 137-138)

Mladen Nakić

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