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  • Publication date: 18.12.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.07.2023.

Table of contents

Full text

New horizons in Brazilian marginal literature (page 3-15)

Priscilla Lopes d’ El Rei
Review article

On reading and literariness: The (im)possibility of literary theory (page 35-42)

Barbara Dolenc
Review article

The reception of Mihai Eminescu in Serbia: translations, textbooks, studies (page 43-54)

Virginia Popović, Brândușa Juică, Marinel Negru
Review article

Specificities of noun phrase modifiers in Portuguese and Bulgarian (page 55-72)

Vesela Chergova
Original scientific paper

Macedonian equivalents of the Italian and French gerund (page 73-88)

Ruska Ivanovska-Naskova, Joana Hadži-Lega Hristoska
Original scientific paper

Effects of Croatian-Italian contact in the language production of a bilingual child (page 107-122)

Marco Angster, Mia Batinić Angster
Original scientific paper

The variation of idioms in European languages in light of new research (page 123-135)

Damir Mišetić
Original scientific paper

Metaphors in Italian and Croatian compounds (page 137-174)

Ivica Peša Matracki, Vice Šunjić
Original scientific paper

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