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Bogoslovska smotra , Vol. 66 No. 2-3, 1996.

  • Publication date: 28.01.1997.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.02.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

Kršćanin u Hrvatskoj: izazovi i dileme. XXXVI. Teološko pastoralni tjedan za svećenike Zagreb, 16. - 18. siječnja 1996. Pozdravni telegrami (page 169-175)

Franjo Kuharić, Giovanni Battista, Franjo Komarica, Ivo Gugić, Pero Aračić, Marin Škarica, Duško Moro, Marko Josipović

Wer ist ein Christ? Die neutestamentliche Auslegungen und Auffassungen (page 179-199)

Ivan Šporčić
Conference paper

Christians in Historical Changes of XX. Century in Croatia (page 227-255)

Jakov Jukić
Conference paper

Pluralism in Croatia - A Challenge for Christians (page 257-266)

Ivan Koprek
Conference paper

Christians and Democracy: Challenges, Chances and Obligations (page 267-283)

Drago Šimundža
Conference paper

Betroffenheit der Christen durch die sittliche Krise um die Jahrhundertwende (page 285-317)

Marijan Valković
Conference paper

Die Teilweise Annahme des Glaubens-Christentum nach Wahl (page 319-345)

Stjepan Kušar
Conference paper

Der Kroatische Katholizismus: Glaube oder Brauchttum (page 357-371)

Ivan Grubišić
Conference paper

Clergy in Whirlpool of the Social Changes (page 373-385)

Bono Zvonimir Šagi
Conference paper

Weather the Picture of the Priest in the Church is Changing? (page 387-402)

Milan Šimunović
Conference paper

Gestufte Kirchlichkeit heutiges Christen: Wirklichkeit und Gefahr (page 403-422)

Josip Baloban
Conference paper

Neue kirchlichen Umstände - Herausforderung für das Ordenswesen (page 423-449)

Jakov Mamić
Conference paper

Precis (page 469-493)

Ana Gabrijela Šabić
Original scientific paper

Što je kršćanin? (page 495-498)

Franjo Kuharić

»Ambulate in dilectione - hodite u ljubavi« (page 499-501)

Ćiril Kos

Zaključna riječ (page 502-503)

Franjo Kuharić

(page 509-533)

Vlado Košić

Sadržaj (page 561-563)

Index (page 561-563)


Adrese suradnika (page 565-565)

Addresses of Contributors (page 565-565)


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