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  • Publication date: 19.06.2012.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.06.2012.

Table of contents

Full text

Psychrotrophic bacteria and their negative effects on milk and dairy products quality (page 77-95)

Dubravka Samaržija, Šimun Zamberlin, Tomislav Pogačić
Review article

Profitability of Dairy Industry in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia (page 96-110)

Saša Muminović, Vladan Pavlović
Review article

Mineral elements in milk and dairy products (page 111-125)

Šimun Zamberlin, Neven Antunac, Jasmina Havranek, Dubravka Samaržija
Review article

Influence of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria on the proteolysis, microstructure and sensory properties of low fat UF cheeses during ripening (page 126-135)

Jelena Miocinovic, Zorica Radulovic, Zorana Miloradovic, Goran Trpkovic, Dragana Pesic Mikulec, Vladimir Pavlovic, Predrag Pudja
Original scientific paper

Seasonal changes of some physical-chemical characteristics of milk from Dalmatian Pramenka ewes (page 136-142)

Lidija Sajko-Matutinović, Vesna Pavić, Boro Mioč, Neven Antunac, Zvonimir Prpić, Siniša Matutinović, Josip Vrdoljak
Original scientific paper

Estimation of genetic parameters and environmental effects on somatic cell count in Simmental and Holstein breeds (page 143-150)

Zdenko Ivkić, Marija Špehar, Vesna Bulić, Pero Mijić, Ante Ivanković, Drago Solić
Original scientific paper

Changes in white blood pictures and some biochemical parameters of dairy cows in peripartum period and early lactation (page 151-158)

Mirjana Joksimović Todorović, Vesna Davidović
Original scientific paper

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