Church in the World : Church in the World , Vol. 23 No. 3, 1988.
- Publication date: 15.09.1988.
- Published on HRČAK: 06.09.2012.
Table of contents
Full text
Ljudske vrednote i poslanje Crkve
(page 193-195)
Historical information relative to the burial of Jesus
(page 196-209)
Teologija obitelji i odgojna usmjerenja (II)
(page 210-218)
Ivan Paštrić, theologien croate (1636—1708)
(page 219-228)
Paštrićevo poimanje teologije
(page 229-253)
Das Manuskripttraktat von Johannes Paštrić »De libero arbitrio et de gratia«
(page 254-267)
Vlado Košić
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