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  • Publication date: 15.12.1985.
  • Published on HRČAK: 27.03.2014.

Table of contents

Full text

Epidemiological indicators of oral health (page 0-0)

Juraj Hraste, Branimir Maričić, Marko Vulović, Vojislav Popović
Original scientific paper

The effect of certain trace elements on caries prevalence (page 0-0)

Vito Vrbič, Janez Stupar, Antony Byme
Original scientific paper

Pulpal cavity and x-ray examination (page 0-0)

Ivan Bokan
Original scientific paper

Electron-microscopic examination of the accessory foramina on the apical of human teeth root region (page 0-0)

Tonči Staničić, Marijan Tudja
Original scientific paper

The effect of the arm position on the dentist’s hand motions in his sitting position (page 0-0)

Adnan Ćatović, Zvonimir Kosovel, Osman Muftić
Original scientific paper

Clinical significant dental drug interactions (page 0-0)

Ileana Linčir, Vesna Ćulum
Review article

Sažeci: 31.V.1985. Zagreb (page 301-312)

Stomatološki dani Hrvatske 85.
Meeting abstract

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