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  • Publication date: 30.12.2007.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.05.2017.

Table of contents

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Logistics and logistics processes in a tourism destination (page 531-546)

Edna Mrnjavac, Sasa Ivanovic
Original scientific paper

Tourism product differentiation strategy in the Zante island based on thematic routes and the use of information communication technology (page 547-556)

Panayiotis Curtis, John Mylonakis, Takis Ktenidis
Preliminary communication

Prerequisites to the success of hotel products (page 557-570)

Vlado Galicic, Slobodan Ivanovic
Preliminary communication

The role of logistics information system in the business-decision process (page 571-582)

Vlado Galicic, Ljubica Pilepic
Preliminary communication

International logistics in flight catering (page 583-594)

Slobodan Ivanovic, Vidoje Vujic
Preliminary communication

Logistics processes in a tourism destination (page 595-606)

Zoran Ivanovic, Tea Baldigara
Preliminary communication

The role of carrying capacity within conceptual framework of contemporary tourism (page 607-614)

Dobrica Jovicic, Vanja Ivanovic
Preliminary communication

Tourism destination management company (DMC): a central actor of a destination as a milieu (page 615-626)

Dragan Magas, Lorena Basan
Preliminary communication

Intelligent transportation systems in improving traffic flow in tourism destinations (page 627-636)

Edna Mrnjavac, Robert Marsanic
Preliminary communication

The procurement process in the hotel industry (page 637-642)

Nadia Pavia, Sasa Ivanovic
Preliminary communication

Managing information and intellectual capital in the development concept of tourism destinations (page 643-650)

Nadia Pavia, Christian Stipanovic
Preliminary communication

PPP in Croatian tourism: chance for Croatian family hotels (page 651-664)

Marko Peric, Maja Niksic
Preliminary communication

The impact of globalization on supply and demand in the cruise industry (page 665-680)

Doris Perucic
Preliminary communication

The hotel enterprise: a business system of project business on the tourism business market (page 681-692)

Branka Berc Radisic, Lorena Basan
Preliminary communication

The present position and future prospects of the German language in Croatian tourism (page 693-700)

Nevenka Blazevic, Maja Blazevic
Review article

The logistics of selling a destination's tourism product (page 725-732)

Branka Berc Radisic, Lorena Basan
Review article

Croatian tourism web site as text type (page 733-746)

Brigita Bosnar-Valkovic, Anamarija Gjuran-Coha
Review article

Foreign capital in the development of Croatian tourism (page 747-758)

Ana Vizjak, Daniela Gracan, Marinela Krstinic Nizic
Review article

Book review: Tourism in the economic system (Branko Blazevic) (page 775-778)

Vladimir Stipetic
Case report

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