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Bogoslovska smotra , Vol. 74 No. 1, 2004.

  • Publication date: 16.03.2004.
  • Published on HRČAK: 14.01.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

Imitate of Christ by Marc (page 35-50)

Mario Cifrak
Review article

The Faith in the Biblical Wise Men and Women (page 51-67)

Nikola Hohnjec
Review article

Prohibition of Judging and Solicitude of Correction (Mt 7,1-5) (page 69-85)

Nikola Hohnjec
Original scientific paper

Mystique in the Christian Live (page 87-123)

Milan Špehar
Original scientific paper

Cullman's Model of Unity in Diversity (page 125-141)

Milan Špehar
Professional paper

Vremenita crkvena dobra (page 181-199)

The Temporal Goods of the Church (page 181-199)

Nikola Škalabrin
Original scientific paper

Acquiring Temporal Goods (Can. 1259-1272) (page 201-231)

Jure Brkan
Original scientific paper

Stjecanje dobara (page 233-262)

Acquiring Goods (page 233-262)

Nikola Škalabrin
Original scientific paper

Nezaboravljeni Rahner (page 289-296)

Živan Bezić

Christian and/or Universal Ethics (page 297-312)

Nada Gosić
Meeting abstract

Simpozij »Stari zavjet - vrelo vjere i kulture« (page 313-317)

Anđela Jeličić

Adrese suradnika (page 342-342)

Addresses of Contributors (page 342-342)


Sadržaj (page 343-344)

Contents (page 346-346)

Index (page 345-345)


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