Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Tehnički glasnik , Vol. 8 No. 4, 2014.

  • Datum izdavanja: 15.12.2014.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 29.12.2014.


Puni tekst

MathCad for Engineers: Optimization of rigid body dynamics example problem (str. 327-331)

Katarina Pisačić, Marko Horvat, Vinko Višnjić
Stručni rad

Usage and advantages of CAD/CAM technology for industry (str. 332-338)

Robert Jolić, Đuro Kukec, Tomislav Pavlic
Stručni rad

Assessment of Operating Cash Flow of The Investment in A Construction of Passive Houses (str. 339-345)

Jitka Chovancová, Gabriela Kocourková, Lucie Kozumplíková
Stručni rad

Theoretical bases designing of plaster solutions for wall protection of buildings and structures made of aerated concrete (str. 346-349)

Valentin Paruta, Aleksandr Saevskij, Evgenij Brynzin, Denis Gusak, Anastasija Kraeva
Stručni rad

Use of Quality Improvement Tools in the Croatian Metal Processing Industry (str. 350-357)

Dražen Čelar, Vinko Višnjić, Živko Kondić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Influence of substrate hardness on abrasive wear resistance of tribological coatings (str. 358-361)

Goran Heffer, Robert Poretti, Ivan Plaščak
Prethodno priopćenje

The analysis of keyword occurrences within specific parts of multiple articles - the concept and the first implementation (str. 362-369)

Tomislav Horvat, Ladislav Havaš, Robert Logožar
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effect of aggregate type on strength of lightweight concrete (str. 371-373)

K.A. Streltcov, I.V. Barabash, L.N. Ksёnshkevich
Prethodno priopćenje

Technology of polymer-cement mixes preparation with specified rheological properties (str. 374-376)

O. Popov, K. Maskaleva
Prethodno priopćenje

Customer satisfaction and the quality of services of public companies (str. 377-384)

Štefam Šumah, Igor Klopotan, Edita Mahič
Prethodno priopćenje

Assumptions for navigation system of graphic user interface for tablet newspaper (str. 385-387)

Darijo Čerepinko, Mario Janković
Prethodno priopćenje

Economics of logistics functions in a company (str. 388-393)

Krešimir Buntak, Nikoleta Šuljagić
Stručni rad

Autodesk Maya - Maya Paint Effects (str. 394-404)

Damir Vusić, Andrija Bernik, Dubravko Rohtek
Stručni rad

Methods of distribution in the city centre (str. 405-412)

Goran Kolarić, Luka Skorić
Pregledni rad

Implementation of a communication system utilizing analog and digital sensors with the Arduino development platform (str. 413-417)

Matija Buden, Miroslav Horvatić, Ladislav Havaš
Stručni rad

Making the manual on environmental management system on the example of company Machiper equipment (str. 418-425)

Krešimir Buntak, Ivana Drožđek, Jelena Kaniški
Stručni rad

Some theoretical and practical basis of GTAW welding process (str. 426-432)

Marko Horvat, Veljko Kondić, Dražen Brezovački
Stručni rad

Construction of the solar power plant on the roof of the student restaurant in Varaždin (str. 433-437)

Dunja Srpak, Sandra Stijačić, Ivan Šumiga
Stručni rad

Implementing interface between microcontroler and MATLAB (str. 438-442)

Bruno Palašek, Petra Mesarić, Mihael Kukec
Stručni rad

Small and medium enterprises in the European Union - a challenge of introduction a single currency 12 years later (str. 443-450)

Kristina Vrhovec-Žohar, Igor Klopotan
Prethodno priopćenje

Intelligent system for smart house (str. 451-456)

Ivan Šumiga, Filip Kolarek, Dunja Srpak
Stručni rad

Javni menadžment (str. 461-466)

Public management (str. 461-466)

Ozana Ružić, Helena Golubić, Mario Latin, Igor Klopotan
Stručni rad

Posjeta: 84.327 *