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  • Publication date: 02.07.1983.
  • Published on HRČAK: 10.07.2008.

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Full text

On Some Neglected Aspects of the "Japodic Urns" (page 0-0)

Duje Rendić-Miočević
Original scientific paper

The Bronze Statuette of Hercules from the Surroundings of Goričan in Međimurje (page 0-0)

Željko Tomičić
Original scientific paper

Two Bronze Statuettes of Jupiter from Sisak (page 0-0)

Ante Rendić-Miočević
Original scientific paper

Steinbrüche, in denen Sarkophage verfertigt wurden (page 0-0)

Ivan Šarić
Original scientific paper

Elemental Analysis of Alloys by X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (page 0-0)

Jagoda Makjanić, Ivica Orlić, Vladivoj Valković
Original scientific paper

Vorgeschichtliche kleine Spielzugefässe aus dem Archäologischen Museum in Zagreb (page 0-0)

Dubravka Balen-Letunić
Original scientific paper

Apulian Vases of the Gnathia Style at the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb (page 0-0)

Branka Vikić-Belančić, Valerija Damevski
Original scientific paper

Die römischen medizinischen Instrumente aus Kroatien I (page 0-0)

Zoran Gregl
Original scientific paper

Ein Sammelfund von Waffen und Werkzeugen aus Nartski Novaki (page 0-0)

Katica Simoni
Original scientific paper

Kronika (page 267-280)


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