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Acta Botanica Croatica , Vol. 37 No. 1, 1978.

  • Publication date: 31.12.1978.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.05.2016.

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Prilog poznavanju virusa mozaika graška koji se prenosi sjemenom (page 18-19)

Davor Miličić, Biljana Plavšić
Original scientific paper

Tomato Mosaic Virus Infection of Glasshouse Tomato Crops in Yugoslavia (page 21-26)

Nikola Juretić
Original scientific paper

Some Properties of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Isolated in Yugoslavia (page 27-32)

Andrija Bužančić, Nikola Juretić
Original scientific paper

Isolation of Tobacco Necrosis Virus from Buckwheat Plants (page 37-0)

Devleta Buturović, Julijana Grbelja
Original scientific paper

Investigation of Viruses and Virus Diseases of Spinach in Croatia (page 39-46)

Zlata Štefanac
Original scientific paper

Light and Electron Microscopy of Cells Infected with Maclura Mosaic Virus (page 47-51)

Nada Pleše
Original scientific paper

The Effect of Isopropyl N-Phenylcarbamate on the Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Etiochloroplasts (page 53-60)

Mercedes Wrischer, Karmen Botka
Original scientific paper

Einfluss der Unterschiedlichen K-Ernährung auf den 32P-Eipbau in einzelne Nukleinsäuregruppen bei jungen Maispflanzen (page 61-66)

Rudolf Kastori, Stojan Grujić, Julijan Kandrač, Ivan Adamov
Original scientific paper

Privzem kadmija, cinka, fosfor ja in rastlinskega hormona kinetina pri ektomikoriznih glivah (page 73-0)

Peter Stegnar, Nada Gogala, Franci Pohleven
Original scientific paper

Biological and Saprobic Examination of the Gravel Pit Adjacent to DOKI Site (page 83-94)

Ivan Habdija, Marija Tomec, Radovan Erben
Original scientific paper

Zur Pflanzensoziologischen Gliederung der Glatthaferwiesen Nordostkroatiens (page 95-105)

Ljudevit Ilijanić, Nedeljka Šegulja
Original scientific paper

Investigations of the Swamp and Water Vegetation in the Lowland Woods of Slavonia (Croatia) (page 147-0)

Đuro Rauš, Nedeljka Šegulja, Jasenka Topić
Original scientific paper

The Weed Vegetation of the Hoe Cultures in Eastern Podravina (Croatia) (page 157-0)

Jasenka Topić
Original scientific paper

Azolla filiculoides Lam. in the Water-Plant Vegetation of Eastern Croatia (page 162-0)

Ivo Trinajstić, Zinka Pavletić
Short communication, Note

Notes on Phellinus rimosus Complex (Hymenochaetaceae) (page 171-182)

František Kotlaba, Zdenĕk Pouzar
Original scientific paper

Macromycetes in Some Chestnut Forests in the Vicinity of Zagreb (page 189-201)

Milica Tortić, Maria Lisiewska
Original scientific paper

Eriophorum gracile Koch, neu für Kroatien (page 203-205)

Ljudevit Ilijanić
Short communication, Note

Vaskuläre Flora der Insel Svetac (page 224-0)

Zinka Pavletić
Original scientific paper

The New Locality of the Species Eleusine indica (L.) Gäertn. in Croatia (page 230-0)

Jasenka Topić, Nedeljka Šegulja
Short communication, Note

Recenzije (page 231-234)

Case report

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