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  • Publication date: 30.09.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 26.09.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Simulation the colors from nature with twins dyes to camouflage military uniform (page 89-95)

Jana Žiljak Vujić, Marko Zečević, Vilko Žiljak
Original scientific paper

Geometric morphometrics in the analysis of bilateral feet symmetry (page 103-108)

Jacqueline Domjanić
Original scientific paper

The problem of waste disposal and waste water treatment - legislation (page 0-0)

Ksenija Višić, Branka Vojnović, Tanja Pušić
Review article

Microencapsulation of active substances and fragrances in textile material applications (page 128-132)

Emilia Adamowicz, Krzysztof Smigieski, Michal Frydrysiak
Professional paper

Ekonomski i ekološki aspekti obrade frotirnih tkanina (page 133-135)

Kurt van Wersch
Professional paper

USTER na sajmu Shanghaitex 2015 (page 145-146)


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